[My San Antonio] Facebook surveillance crackdown; big Bloomin’ Onion; Ellen emoji

MojiLaLa Social
Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2017

The scoop on Facebook snooping

Facebook and Instagram added stronger language Monday to make it clearer that developers cannot “use data obtained from us to provide tools that are used for surveillance.” Facebook U.S. Public Policy posted the clarification, saying it had worked on the changes with the American Civil Liberties Union and other groups. It said the company has already taken action against developers who market surveillance tools, but wanted to make its policies clearer.

It’s Bloomin’ Madness

Office pools aren’t the only danger from March Madness, a.k.a. the NCAA basketball tournament, which starts this week. USA Today reported that Outback has created the 3-Point Bloomin’ Onion, its usually fried onion topped with cheese fries (which include bacon) and bites of sirloin steak. ESPN’s Darren Rovell tweeted that the onion, which goes up for sale Wednesday, has 3,080 calories. Outback says it is meant for six people. Yeah, sure. And they’ll all have nice, healthy salads with it, right?

Finding emoji

In the game of celebrity emoji, Ellen DeGeneres, right, might have done more than keep up with the Kardashians. In an online survey of emoji users, MojiLaLa found that DeGeneres had by far the most popular celebrity emoji app, more than twice as popular as celebrity №2: Charlie Sheen (honest). The emoji keyboard app said that 23 percent of respondents love and use celebrity emoji apps, 57 percent like them but don’t use them, and 20 percent think they’re “stupid.” Rounding out the top five celebs are Ariana Grande, Wiz Khalifa and (always a local angle) Steph Curry. And just so you don’t think Western Civilization has completely crumbled: Kim Kardashian was sixth.

Source: My San Antonio

Photo Credit: EllenTV

