Simplify your remote payments with Mobip

Gilbert Gboyou
Published in
4 min readAug 22, 2018

Out of sight, on your mobile…

Do you, like 62% of French people (source: Visa), prefer digital solutions to manage your payments? Not worried about a life without banknotes and coins? In fact would this change in practices considerably simplify your life?

If you have already thought about these existential questions, it’s time to look at Mobip ! A startup specialising in the development of banking payment solutions, Mobip allows traders, craftspeople, liberal professions, self-employed entrepreneurs and charity associations to receive and make payments online. Let’s explain.

Thank you Doctor!

Created 3 years ago by Jean-Philippe Desmontils, Mobip is first and foremost the result of 20 years of experience acquired within the banking industry! A graduate of Paris 6 University in IT, Systems and Networks, Jean-Philippe began his career in 1999 in the design and development of bankcard payment servers for telecoms. From 2006, he then specialised in decision-making information systems for the banking sector, where he worked as an independent consultant in France and around Europe. With this background, he decided to take the entrepreneurship route and launched Mobip after a brief stint as a wage earner.

Logical thinking, an allegory

Initiated following his comeback as a wage-earner, Jean-Philippe’s entrepreneurial trigger was atypical to say the least. One day when he was at his doctor’s office, he realised that he’d forgotten his chequebook (yet again). With only his bankcard in his wallet, Jean-Philippe was told that his doctor — like most doctors — didn’t take bankcards. Intrigued by this fact, both men agreed that it would be useful to be able to pay via mobile phone. Especially as no such solution existed yet, despite many doctors clearly being in favour. When he left his doctor, the idea of a mobile payment solution began to grow in Jean-Philippe Desmontils’ head… Mobip was born a few weeks later.

Remote payments

Mobip’s value proposition comprises 3 services and is aimed at neo entrepreneurs, i.e. people who create their own business by themselves, some 300,000 people. In practice, Mobip offers a solution not only to receive payments without an electronic payment terminal via a QR-code, but also to pay remotely via SMS or email. Additionally, the startup provides these self-employed entrepreneurs with online visibility via a site included in the subscription, as well as a store from which they can sell their products.

Mobip’s business model is based on two economic levers: commission for each transaction and a subscription that starts at 4.50 euros with low commission. This subscription provides users with a landing page and an e-invoicing service. Eventually, Jean-Philippe Desmontils would like to expand his service offer to a price range of 9 to 19 euros. This evolution will be accompanied by the availability, for users, of electronic invoice services and a dematerialised checkout app. Regarding the distribution of transactions carried out on the platform, most of them are done via accounts with a subscription, whilst professionals using the free offer use the Mobip service more intermittently.

A startup whose growth is underway

Today, Mobip is beginning its growth phase on this highly competitive market opened by a few pioneers 5 years ago. To do this, the startup is working on product development by finalising the online store part and by launching a dematerialised checkout app project. With a current portfolio of almost 800 professional clients and 3,000 free or paying individuals, the aim is to have 10,000 subscribers to the new service range by the end of 2019. In terms of product development, Mobip is notably working on finalising the online store part.

At the same time, Mobip has signed a partnership with Avistel, manufacturer of durable professional televisions for, in particular, hospitals. In practice, the startup delivers a solution to Avistel that then implements it in hospitals such as the Necker children’s hospital in Paris. The solution provided by Mobip lets users access a platform on which you write the number of your television.

Lastly, the startup’s founder would like to sign new partners to take his business to the next level. So the startup has much promise, and we are eager to see where it goes! But achieving this will require a change of behaviour amongst neo-entrepreneurs… So are you willing to give up your bankcard and wallet and use your smartphone instead?

The Mobip startup has been in residence on Le Plateau since 10 July, 2018. #LePlateau is a 1,000m² space that accommodates, under one roof and for periods of up to 6 months, Societe Generale teams and ecosystem startups. Each resident works on their own project, either disruptive or innovative, in open spaces where teams commingle. The Plateau provides an environment that enables this work to be undertaken in a single place, but also and more importantly methodological support to accelerate projects, the organising of the residents and premises to enable them to swap and share their expertise and experience.

