Lepricon — The Road Ahead

Published in
6 min readMar 23, 2021

One week ago, we were getting ready to conduct three public offerings and an initial DEX offering. We were a blockchain company with a value proposition and a token. We discussed a future where the world of video games and blockchain merge, like two galaxies inescapably pulled together by the forces of gravity and inevitability. We made the bold statement that Lepricon would stand at the front of the shockwave this gargantuan slow-motion collision would unleash.

One week later, with our token floating on Uniswap, our community’s most common questions are; what is the current circulation? What is our market cap? And, where can I buy L3P? My day is not complete if I have not answered each of those twenty times.

The most important question, however, is much simpler; what next for Lepricon? Here is the answer to that question.

Games + DeFi = Gamified DeFi

We have already announced that our first game would be KQJ. We can now announce our planned launch date for it. We can also tell you about our native staking platform and one feature you have never heard us talk about: The Lucky Dip.

Example Marketing Material for KQJ


We said KQJ would come out at the end of March, but we need a little more time to do some more bug fixing and give it more polish. KQJ will launch within April 2021. The game client is complete and in beta, but we still need to work on the administrative back end, which requires further testing. Given that this game enables winners to purchase discounted bitcoin, the mechanics must work perfectly, and we need more time to test it before making the game gold. We will release more details on the gameplay for KQJ in a future post.

L3P Staking and the Lucky Dip

We are delighted to announce that we have set April 17th as the launch date for our native staking platform and the Lepricon Lucky Dip. The Lucky Dip gives all participants a fantastic opportunity to win prizes that range from awesome to, well, interesting? Read on, I will explain.

Our staking platform will work just as you would expect. In return for locking up L3P and taking it out of general circulation, we will reward stakers with L3P. It is here that holders of the recently launched Genesis NFTs will reap their benefits, including the APY boosters that each NFT offers.

Our staking program on MANTRA DAO will remain for the foreseeable future, so you may stay with that program if you prefer. You will not be forced to migrate.

Alongside the staking, we will also launch the Lepricon Lucky Dip, and here things get interesting.

Are You Feeling Lucky?

We are so excited about this. You will now have your chance to use your L3P to win some amazing prizes, including, but not limited to:

  • L3P or USDT airdropped to your wallet
  • The Legendary Bag of Crap (or Box)
  • A Real Pot O’ Gold

I am feeling mercurial, so I will save details about those last two items for a dedicated post rather than bury the details here. Let’s just say that I put the word real in there for a good reason.

Stakes from Staking

Now for the cool part. If you stake your L3P on our staking platform, you can assign a fixed percentage of your daily staking rewards as entries towards the Lucky Dip. This means you can buy tickets for the dip without touching your principal holding of L3P. For example, you could take half of your rewards as L3P, auto-compounded, and put the other half towards the regular draw. What percentage will be entirely up to you, from 0% to 100%

That means you can earn rewards, very high rewards if you have one of our NFTs, and use some of those rewards for a chance to win some serious prizes!

Future Gaming

Bitpool, our bitcoin price prediction game, is still in development and slated for release towards the end of June. Also in development is FansPredict, a real-world events game, and an as-yet-unnamed eSports prediction app.

All the games mentioned belong under the label, Predict. That is one part of our game plan. The other part is Play, which will offer non-prediction hyper-casual games, generally for mobile. Stay tuned for announcements on this soon.

We will also start sharing development screenshots of the UI for all of our games and activities in development as they progress. These screens will include UI screens for the Lucky Dip and L3P staking, soon available.

Community Action

While the game developers are busy on the games, we will be working on three elements of our community management and tokenomics plan. Here is what’s cooking in the Lepricon kitchen.


From the first version of our White Paper, we stated that we intend to move Lepricon from an executive-led organization to a DAO or Decentralized Autonomous Organization. We are now working on the first iteration of that process. We are developing a simple proposal and upvoting mechanism that will be launched into the Lepricon platform later this year. This system will enable anyone with a qualifying connected wallet (i.e., L3P is present in it) to propose ideas for the community to discuss and vote upon.

And don’t forget — whichever one of you has the Witty King Patrick NFT — you get a seat at the table on the community advisory board!

Shamrock Protocol

In parallel with the community governance, we will start implementing portions of the Shamrock Protocol. The most concise description of this is that it awards points to the wallet addresses that perform positive actions on the Lepricon platform. Stake L3P and the system will notice. Stake even more L3P, and the system will see that too. Propose or vote on proposals, and the system will record those actions. In time the protocol will award those who rise to the top of the positivity leaderboard. Those rewards might be unique NFTs or airdrops of L3P.

Buyback and Make

The launch of our first games and DeFi activities will also trigger the implementation of our initial buyback and make model. We will take a portion of our revenues and use them on occasion to buy L3P from open exchanges and transfer it to back our staking pools. The intent is to remove L3P from circulation while at the same time ensure a constant stream of liquidity into the staking pools. The pools will continue to provide yield, while the reduced supply will support the token price.

The Lepricon Brand

As Lepricon rolls out gaming products, we will also be taking a close look at the brand. Our website will be entirely redesigned, with the games bought front and center and the token information moved inside the website. We are looking at everything right down to the logo itself. Lepricon is a gaming and entertainment company. That’s what you should see when you interact with us.

Exchange is Inevitable

One question which we are asked all the time is, will Lepricon be available on a centralized exchange? The answer to that question is yes. An announcement on that will be made very soon.

Is this all there is?


As Frank Herbert wrote in Dune, there are “plans within plans within plans.” There is much more to the gaming side of things, especially when it comes to non-prediction hyper-casual games. There are strategic partnerships in the works that we will announce once they are properly codified. Our considerable war chest allows us to look at investment opportunities in start-ups that would fit within our ecosphere and allow us to grow the size of Lepricon’s treasury considerably. We will also be introducing new team members as Lepricon is recruiting for several positions.

However, we hope that this gives a clear picture of what is on the near horizon. As always, head to our telegram group and feel free to ask any questions, and we will do our best to answer.

About Lepricon

Lepricon is a community-owned and governed play and predict games platform that allows stakers, developers, and gamers to enjoy the benefits of DeFi in a gamified way, backed by a vibrant community in which all participants receive rewards for positive contributions and interactions.

Lepricon is a Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (DAO) — an organization represented by rules enshrined in computer code; transparent and controlled by the network participants and not by a central authority.

For further information, please visit https://www.lepricon.io.

Phil Ingram


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Lepricon is a blockchain-driven ecosystem of DeFi, games, and NFTs delivered on our gas-free Ethereum compatible side chain, Leprichain.