Clinton suspected in failed assassination attempt of Donald Trump

The Secret Service whisked Trump off stage as unarmed protester attempted to reach the GOP candidate for president.

Publius Americanus
Les Deplorables
Published in
3 min readNov 6, 2016


Update: Proof that the assailant was part of Clinton’s “dirty tricks” team.

The Clinton campaign admitted paying protesters to “incite” violence at various Trump rallies — the campaign is the prime suspect in the latest “assassination” attempt on Trump. The Clinton campaign insists they didn’t pay anyone to actually commit violence; however, the sort of people who are willing to show up and actually incite violence aren’t the most stable sort. The assailant was unarmed and it was clear he was simply trying to disrupt the event — forcing Trump and his supporters to go home early.

The DoJ hasn’t prosecuted Hillary for this most horrid sort of voter suppression, but if Trump is elected you can be sure the investigation will begin immediately. If she wins? There will be no such investigation.

