Democrats are frustrated that Trump is Coopting election rigging argument.

The “election is rigged” is the Left’s typical election year claim.

Publius Americanus
Les Deplorables
Published in
3 min readOct 17, 2016


Every election cycle the Democrats claim that Republicans are rigging the elections. Their claims range from typical voter suppression to outright fraud. Democrats fly lawyers all over the country to file complaints against Republicans — the standard claim is that the GOP is “rigging” the election. This year Donald Trump beat the Democrats to the punch and they’re super pissed — so pissed they’re suggesting that any claim of “election rigging” is dangerous for democracy.

The irony is that while Democrats are running around suggesting that Trump’s claim that the election is going to be “rigged” is “DANGEROUS” they are making the same claim. Of course when Democrats make the “rigged election” claim it isn’t DANGEROUS — it is simply true. You can’t have it both ways. If you’re going to suggest that making a claim about election rigging is bad you can’t make the same claim and escape the same conclusion. It is disingenuous.

Democrats claim that Russia actors are attempting to “rig” the election by releasing thousands of confidential emails from the Democratic Party. Furthermore, they’re suggesting that our voting machines are vulnerable to Russian hacking — making it very likely that Russia will change votes from Hillary to Trump. Democrats are also suggesting that Trump supporters are planning to suppress Democratic votes through intimidation and violence.

The truth is that Democrats are actively attempting to rig this election. Start with the media — the emails released by Wikileaks show very clearly that the Democratic Party and the media are working together to ensure Hillary Clinton prevails in November. Furthermore, there is more and more evidence of Democratic vote harvesting operations all over the country like the one uncovered in Texas. Finally, GOP campaign facilities are coming under attack like the one in North Carolina that was firebombed this weekend — GOP campaign facilities across the state have been closed for the safety of the staff and volunteers — this is real election rigging.

