Democrats feign surprise upon the revelation that Donald Trump says stupid stuff.

While revelling in the fact that his stupidity is distracting the American people from the fact they’re about to elect a self confessed liar as president. I can’t help but wonder who would be worse — I suspect most Americans are wondering the same thing.

Publius Americanus
Les Deplorables
4 min readOct 8, 2016


Firmly ensconced in the Embassy of Ecuador in London, Julian Assange, Hillary Clinton’s arch-nemesis dumped 2,000+ emails from her campaign chair’s personal account on the internet. From those emails we learned that Hillary explained to her Wall Street donors that she was going to do their bidding, but that she’d have to lie to the American people first. Moments later the Clinton campaign through their media sponsor, the Washington Post, released an 11 year old recording of Donald Trump talking to Billy Bush about, well, “bush” on the set of Days of our Lives. Guess what? It worked. No one is talking about the emails — instead we’re talking about sex.

The interesting thing about the “distraction” is the fact that no one is shocked or surprised by what Donald Trump said on the tape. It sounds exactly like him — boastful, brash, irreverent, and ridiculous — if you’re shocked you’re either lying or you’ve been living under a rock. If you’re honest with yourself you’ll admit that you don’t believe that Donald Trump was running around Hollywood raping women left and right — his statements were clearly hyperbole (as is often the case). The good news is that most (if not all) of our leaders have said equally offensive and ridiculous things about women, African-Americans, and homosexuals. Trump’s real problem is that he’s not a Democrat or he’d get a pass.

Biographer Robert Dallek described John F. Kennedy as a “compulsive womanizer” having had at least seven affairs while in the White House. JFK commonly described his sexual conquests in very specific and lewd terms. Famously, he sexually harassed and regularly had intercourse with (but never kissed) a 19 year old employee at the White House. Their first encounter included a tour of the White House where he pushed her down on his wife’s bed and had unprotected sex with her — she was a virgin at the time.

Anthony Weiner, who sent pictures of his weiner to almost everyone, almost got elected as Mayor of New York until he sent yet another picture of his weiner to almost everyone else. Hillary’s own husband didn’t just say deplorable things about women he was a “super predator” targeting women of all ages — including a 22-year-old intern. Even the Washington Post concludes, “Trump has smeared women because of their looks. Clinton has preyed on them, and in a workplace setting where he was by far the superior. That is uncomfortable for Clinton supporters but it is unavoidably true.

There is no reason to defend Donald Trump’s statements — they have no defense. We all say stupid thing in private — including presidents and presidential candidates. The worst thing about the statements is the fact that they’re distracting the American people from the real issue — Hillary Clinton’s fitness as president.

For your pleasure here are some equally stupid shit politicians have said,

When asked if they would like to have sex with me, 30 per cent of women said, ‘Yes’, while the other 70 per cent replied, ‘What, again?’.” ~ Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi

“I think she’s hot …. She’s tiny, she’s short. She’s got a banging little body on her. Facial-wise, I give her about a seven. Body-wise, I give her about an eight-and-a-half. Tight, little butt. I endorse Karyn Polito.” ~ Bill Cooksey

“Many senators are known for many things …. We in the Senate refer to Sen. Gillibrand as the hottest member.” ~ Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand

“Sam, I want to ask a question all the men in this room have been dying to ask you: Just what are your measurements?” ~ Meeting chairman to Congressional candidate Siobhan “Sam” Bennett during her first stump speech

“That’s not change. That’s just calling something the same thing something different. You know you can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig…” ~ Barack Obama about Sarah Palin

“She’s running around talking about how this is an insult to sportsmen, how she VALUES the Second Amendment — she’s talkin’ like she’s Annie Oakley.” ~Barack Obama about Hillary Clinton

“You’re likable enough, Hillary.” ~ Barack Obama

“Hold on one second, sweetie …. We’ll do a press (availability), thanks.” ~Barack Obama to a Michigan TV reporter

