Did GrubHub CEO Ask His Muslim Employees to Resign?

What Matt Maloney can teach us about inclusion and tolerance in the workplace.

Publius Americanus
Les Deplorables
4 min readNov 11, 2016


Grub Hub’s Matt Maloney being inclusive and tolerant…

Earlier this week Matt Maloney, CEO of the publicly traded GrubHub, decided he needed to send an email to his employees explaining, “we must bring together different perspectives to continue innovating — including all genders, races, ethnicities and sexual, cultural or ideological preferences. We are better, faster and stronger together.” But in a surprising twist he then asks for the resignation of any employee who shares Donald Trump’s perspectives and ideologies — many assumed that he was asking anyone who voted for Trump to quit. If GrubHub truly is “better, faster, and stronger together” why would Matt tell half of his employees, vendors, and customers that, “you have no place here”?

Matt Maloney then went on to detail the sort of perspectives he would not tolerate — perhaps unintentionally — he singled out Muslim employees who believe in the Islamic canonical law based on the teachings of the Koran and the traditions of the Prophet (most Muslims in the US believe in Sharia). He believes their ideologies are “hateful” and he cannot “tolerate hateful attitudes on our team” in fact MOST Americans believe that Islamic beliefs/policies/laws on LGBTQ community members are hateful — but we’re not allowed to express this view because the beliefs of Muslims are protected by law — the beliefs of Republicans are not.

GrubHub’s stock is declining as a result of Matt Maloney’s confession to employees.

Inadvertently, Matt Maloney showed his employees, customers, and shareholders his true colors. He’s not as interested in diversity of thought as in conformance to his own perspectives and ideologies. If you don’t agree with him you have no place in “his” company. His shareholders have not responded well — they’ve been selling ever since he made his admission. His customers aren’t very happy either having created the #boycottgrubhub hashtag on Twitter. Maloney told Fox News that 20% of his employees actually approve of his message — does that mean the remaining 80% are uncomfortable with his confession?

Matt Maloney has compared our president-elect to Hitler.

The reality is that most Democrats like Matt Maloney have no interest in tolerating or including the ideas of Republicans. He has suggested that Republicans lack basic intelligence. In fact, Matt believes that Republican perspectives and ideologies are “hate mongering” and he has publically compared the president-elect to Hitler.

Donald Trump is in a unique position to help bring Democrats and Republicans together — he’s not beholden to either party. If GrubHub wants to move forward and embrace diversity it must remove the cancer at the top of their organization. Matt Maloney created a hostile workplace environment for at least half of his employees — he needs to either step down or be fired so that GrubHub can resume their path of tolerance and inclusion.

Here is Matt Maloney’s email:

SUBJECT: So… that happened… what’s next?

I’m still trying to reconcile my own worldview with the overwhelming message that was delivered last night. Clearly there are a lot of people angry and scared as the antithesis of every modern presidential candidate won and will be our next president. While demeaning, insulting and ridiculing minorities, immigrants and the physically/mentally disabled worked for Mr. Trump, I want to be clear that this behavior — and these views, have no place at Grubhub. Had he worked here, many of his comments would have resulted in his immediate termination. We have worked for years cultivating a culture of support and inclusiveness. I firmly believe that we must bring together different perspectives to continue innovating — including all genders, races, ethnicities and sexual, cultural or ideological preferences. We are better, faster and stronger together. Further I absolutely reject the nationalist, anti-immigrant and hateful politics of Donald Trump and will work to shield our community from this movement as best as I can. As we all try to understand what this vote means to us, I want to affirm to anyone on our team that is scared or feels personally exposed, that I and everyone else here at Grubhub will fight for your dignity and your right to make a better life for yourself and your family here in the United States. If you do not agree with this statement then please reply to this email with your resignation because you have no place here. We do not tolerate hateful attitudes on our team.I want to repeat what Hillary said this morning, that the new administration deserves our open minds and a chance to lead, but never stop believing that the fight for what’s right is worth it. Stay strong, Matt

