Does it matter that Saudi Arabia funds the Clinton Foundation & Hillary’s campaign?

Publius Americanus
Les Deplorables
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2016

The royal family of Saudi Arabia has funneled millions of dollars to Hillary Clinton’s foundation and her campaign. What does that money buy them? This week found out it buys quite a bit.

Emails from John Podesta, then a counselor to president Obama, prove that the Obama’s administration and Hillary’s State Department were very aware of the state sponsorship of ISIS and the Islamic State — specifically material financial and logistical support from Saudi Arabia and Qatar of the terror organization. Hillary and Obama kept this important fact from the American people — the real question we should all be asking is WHY?

For her part, Hillary Clinton was receiving significant personal funding from both Saudi Arabia and Qatar — presumably both kingdoms felt they had bought her silence. But what about Obama? Why did he keep the information from the American people? It turns out that the administration was engineering a $60 billion weapons transfer from major Democratic donors to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia — one of the largest weapons deals in history. Revealing Saudi Arabia’s support to the American people would have scuttled the deal.

More recently all but one member of Congress voted to allow 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia for their sponsorship of the terrorists — president Obama, in the bag for the royal family and the kingdom, vetoed the bill — forcing Congress to override.

Now that it appears all but certain that Hillary Clinton will be our next president we need to be sure there is a check on her power — we need strong leaders in Congress who are willing to speak truth to power. The second Clinton administration will mean a lot more deals with Saudi Arabia — and hopefully a lot more Congressional overrides. We need leaders who will fight against those who have bought Hillary’s silence. Silence on ISIS — silence on LGBTQ genocide in the Middle East.

