Stop Crying About Eric Garner’s Death. It wasn’t a tragedy — it was the foreseeable outcome of a life of crime.

Publius Americanus
Les Deplorables
Published in
2 min readSep 16, 2016


The most important FACT that gets lost in this conversation is that Officer Daniel Pantaleo was exonerated — he didn’t do anything wrong. The grand jury investigated the matter and determined that Officer Pantaleo’s actions did not warrant an indictment. Before anyone suggests that the grand jury was somehow racist or bigoted it should be noted that the community where Eric Garner is overwhelmingly white (75%) and yet the grand jury was made up of 50% whites and 50% people of color.

At the end of the day, a lifetime criminal (arrested more than 30 times) was killed by a police officer. The judicial system determined that the officer who killed him was justified. Instead of focusing your outrage and anger on this criminal’s unfortunate life choices you might want to focus instead on the innocent lives that are lost every day in African American communities across the country. Last night an 8 year old girl sleeping in her bed was caught in the crossfire of a gangland shooting. Where is your outrage? The night before that a fourteen year old boy was stabbed to death in a playground. Where is your outrage?

