The chances of the 2016 presidential debates changing the election are very high.

Publius Americanus
Les Deplorables
Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2016


Despite analysis to the contrary, this year’s presidential debates have a very high probability of swinging the election one way or another. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are effectively running dead even in the polls. Their performance tonight and over the following two debates will likely decide the election. Experts are predicting that tonight’s debate will bring in the largest audience in history — as large as the Super Bowl’s audience.

The biggest unknown coming into tonight’s debate is Hillary Clinton’s health. While most Democratic pundits are confident in Hillary’s abilities when it comes to facts and figures, privately, they’re scared to death that she may have another episode of uncontrolled coughing, loss of balance, or loss of control of various motor skills. Of course there is no telling how one hundred million Americans would react to seeing Hillary collapse on live television.

In the event that Hillary has a serious health issue on stage Donald Trump’s reaction and response will likely have a bigger impact on voters. If he has the presence of mind to rush to her aid that could help humanize him with voters; however, if he fails to help her he could alienate even his most ardent supporters. Don’t underestimate the how big of a deal the health issue will be for Hillary’s confidence — imagine the pressure of having to control the uncontrollable.

Barring another Hillary health episode everyone in America expects her to win the debate handily — it is her game to lose. With 35 years of experience in government Hillary has a firm grasp on every aspect of governance. When it comes to the facts Trump doesn’t stand a chance. One way or another after tonight’s debate America will have a much better idea who our next president will be.

