The narrative that Trump supporters are attacking minorities is a laughable lie.

The exact opposite it true — if you believe the videos.

Publius Americanus
Les Deplorables
2 min readNov 11, 2016


This evening I was listening to CNN discuss all of the attacks on African-Americans, Hispanics and Muslims by rapid and evidently emboldened Donald Trump supporters. The reality is that most (if not all) of these stories are complete fabrications — complete lies.

We’re seeing violence against white people — the media’s scapegoat for electing Trump. We’ve seen white men pulled out of their cars and beaten while observers encourage the attackers on video. We’ve seen children attacked at their schools for posting support of Donald Trump on their social media feeds. We’re also seeing victims of Trump supporters recanting their stories — admitting they were lying to smear Donald Trump.

The original narrative that Trump rallies were violent was actually a narrative bought and paid for by the Democratic Party. There are scores of emails and videos that prove the DNC was paying people to “incite” violence at Trump events. This is the worst sort of voter suppression. The new narrative that Trump supporters are now “emboldened” and attacking Democrats who supported Hillary Clinton is laughable. The only people fomenting hate and violence are the Hillary Clinton supporters who are apoplectic about their loss on Tuesday.

For example, earlier this week a Muslim student fabricated a story about having the hijab stolen by someone in a Trump hat was proven to be a lie — they admitted making it up to attempt to smear Trump supporters.

The stories that some sort of “whitelash” took place on election day are untrue — just as many whites, blacks, hispanics, and women voted for Trump as voted for Romney — more in fact. Did Romney lose because he was running a racist campaign? Not at all. He lost because Obama turned out voters by record numbers. Those voters stayed home after the DNC picked Hillary as their candidate-they were demoralized.

