The Normalization of the Left’s Attempt to Marginalize Republicans like Steve Bannon

Republicans are now “White Nationalists” or “Alt-Right” according to Democrats in an attempt to dehumanize half of America.

Publius Americanus
Les Deplorables
Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2016


The Democrats, with their willing accomplices in the media, attempted to politically assassinate Donald Trump — they failed. Today Democrats are going after his top advisor, Steve Bannon, calling him a “White Nationalist”. The main problem with the label? He is not, nor has he ever been a “White Nationalist”. The label is a complete fabrication — Steve Bannon is about as mainstream American as you can be — he’s a conservative Republican.

The Southern Poverty Law Center defines White Nationalists as white supremacists or white separatists that focus on the inferiority of non-whites. White Nationalists groups include the KKK, Neo-Confederate, Neo-Nazi, racist skinhead, and Christian Identity. The largest white nationalist group in America has been the Council of Conservative Citizens. Each of these groups was founded by racist members of the Democratic Party — Steve Bannon has never been a member of any of these groups. In hundreds of public speeches Bannon has never given any sort of suggestion or hint that he is a White Nationalist or a racist.

Don’t listen to Democrats and the media when they simply “claim” he’s a racist and a White Nationalist — listen to Steve’s own words. There are hundreds of videos of him speaking on YouTube. Here are just a few that will give a good idea of who Bannon is — a decorated naval officer, a Harvard MBA, a Goldman Sachs investment banker, and investor:

