Trump is NOT a Misogynist

Publius Americanus
Les Deplorables
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2016


The media’s own sexism is on display when they focus on Donald Trump’s insults of women to the exclusion of insults directed at men. The media is basically suggesting that women are somehow more vulnerable to insults than men — that insults directed at women are somehow more deplorable than those directed at men. If Donald Trump only insulted the females who attack him you could rightly call him a misogynist, but he insults the males who attack him just as much.

From everything I can tell Donald Trump actually loves women — a LOT. He’s far more likely to give a woman a second chance — take for example the second chance he gave Tara Conner (sent her to drug rehab and let her keep her title as Miss USA), Alicia Machado (created a workout and diet regime and let her keep her title as Miss Universe) and Omarosa Manigault (he fired her from the apprentice but recently hired her to help him with his campaign). With regard to his own business Trump seems to trust his daughter FAR more than he trusts his sons — as evidenced by her role in both the Trump Organization and the campaign.

Of course, there is one misogynist running for president — Hillary Clinton. She’s actually spent much of her career destroying the lives of victims of sexual assault — the women who witnessed her behavior while in the White House can’t imagine sending her back for a second time.

Throughout his tenure as governor of Arkansas and president of the United States Bill Clinton had sexual relations with at least twenty women besides his wife. When one of these women would come forward claiming Bill Clinton had harassed, assaulted, or raped them Hillary would attempt to intimidate and harass them until they were either discredited or agreed to drop their case. She was so successful that her husband avoided prosecution only having to pay six figure settlements to women on two occasions.

So what did she do? Whenever a woman would come forward she would engage the services of a private investigator. The investigator would interview her employer, her family, her children, her neighbors, and her current and former boyfriends or husbands. Their horrific questions were designed to intimidate the victim AND assassinate her character at the same time. She also used her staff to dig up personal papers and official records of the women in question to undercut their claims. Many observers called her activities “blackmail”. Listening to the victims talk about Hillary’s behavior should be unsettling to EVERY American. Sadly, very few younger women are aware of how Hillary treated Bill’s victims — in a recent poll only 9% of women under the age of 35 had ever heard of Hillary’s “Bimbo Eruption” campaigns.

