Why are Democrats fabricating stories about minorities being attacked by Trump supporters? Why won’t the media cover the real violence against Trump supporters?

Publius Americanus
Les Deplorables
Published in
5 min readNov 13, 2016

You’d think Donald Trump lost the election by how upset Republicans are. We’re running wild in the streets beating up minorities, we’re spray painting swastikas, and ripping off hijabs off of Muslim women — only it isn’t true. The reality is that Republicans AREN’T upset — we won. We’re not running around committing hate crimes — we’re going to work, we’re going to school, we’re watching football, and we’re living our lives.

The sad reality is that Democrats are the ones running wild in the streets, walking out of their schools, and attacking people they suspect of supporting our president-elect. Democrats are attacking children: This 11-year-old boy voted for Trump in a mock election at his school and is now in crutches. This 16-year-old girl posted her support for Trump on Facebook and she was bruised and beaten. Democrats are attacking drivers: This man was involved in an accident and since he was white and presumably a Trump supporter he was beaten and his car was stolen. These two men attacked a Trump supporter in Connecticut and they are now in jail. Another Trump supporter was almost choked to death on a Bronx subway. Another Trump supporter was attacked by a mob in Chicago. The incidents of Democrats attacking Trump supporters are too numerous to mention — and that is why the media isn’t mentioning them.

If you are reading the mainstream press or watching CNN — you would think that Republicans were unhinged and out of control, but most of the stories are complete fabrications likes these:

This woman claimed Trump supporters ripped off her hijab — she later recanted to police who agreed not to charge her with making a false report.

This gay man claimed he was beaten by Trump supporters — the Advocate removed the original story and the police indicated it didn’t happen.

CNN claimed the Klan was holding a rally to celebrate Trump’s victory — the picture was fake.

The editor of a university newspaper falsely claimed students were wearing blackface to celebrate Trump’s victory — the claim was false.

An African-American woman in Delaware claimed four white men (presumably Trump supporters) threatened her while she was pumping gas — the story fell apart once she claimed the Smyrna police investigated and arrested the men. The police indicated that no such incident occurred.

An Asian woman claimed she was stopped and assaulted by a white man who told her to go back to Asia. She claimed she was fought back and his friends realizing she was going to beat the man up came to his rescue and reported her to the police for assaulting their friend. She further claimed the police handcuffed her and eventually released her with a warning. The Minneapolis police deny that any such event occurred.

Democratic protesters have taken to the street night after night since Trump’s victory on Tuesday. The strange thing about the protesters is that they don’t want to go on camera. For example, CNN struggled to find a protester to interview so they enlisted their own cameraman to explain why he was upset — shortly afterward the CNN anchorman laughed at the revelation that the reporter was interviewing his own cameraman. The protests in many cities such as Austin were bought and paid for by various political action groups and the protesters were from several companies including Crowds on Demand Inc. and Crowds for Rent LLC. — the real reason the paid protesters don’t want to go on camera.

Of course this is nothing new. Democrats were caught red handed hiring agitators to incite violence at Trump Rallies during the election — it shouldn’t be a surprise they’re doing it now. Once the DNC’s involvement was revealed the violence stopped — Trump was holding several rallies a day without a single violent incident. Read all about it here, here, here, here, here, and here.

When Barack Obama was elected Republicans didn’t take to the streets. We didn’t start attacking minorities. We didn’t walk out of our schools. We licked our wounds and began working on winning Congress back — since that election more than a 1,000 Democrats have been thrown out of office — today Republicans control the House, Senate, Judiciary, Executive, and the majority of Statehouses and Governorships. We’re not angry — we’re elated.

