Transformation as an Inside Job

Leslie Cottrell Simonds
Leslie Cottrell Simonds
3 min readMay 31, 2019

To change your world, first, you must change your consciousness.

We are experiencing modifications in both our external and internal world at a pace unlike any other time in our history as a human race.

Our value systems are being called into question at every turn. Our former way of experiencing life is no longer serving us as it did before.

Because of that, we find ourselves constantly in a state of transition.

We used to define transition as a time when we experienced a move, new job, the loss of a loved one, new baby, or job loss.

During that time, the transition was somewhat predictable.

Now people find themselves in the throes of vibrational upgrades, shifts in value systems, decreased tolerance for tasks that don’t feed their souls, or impatience with people that are moving through life unaware of all the shifts taking place around them.

These rapid developments can catch you off guard. Nothing seems to fit any longer and you’re no longer sure how to define yourself. One of the first markers of spiritual awakening is the fear that you are losing your mind.

We are in the middle of spiritual transcendence. The world has already passed a spiritual tipping point. Denying or ignoring new feelings or values will only make you feel more out of touch with who you are. When we think about this metamorphosis it’s important to be aware of what it entails. There is nothing pleasant or pretty about the process. The caterpillar must be turned into mush before it can transform into the butterfly.

There are a few things you can do as you find yourself at the beginning of this new spiritual awareness. It’s similar to the advice you receive if you are recovering from an injury or illness; these suggestions focus on bringing gentleness and ease into your life.

Acknowledge that you are experiencing shifts in your beliefs. Allow yourself time to lean into the change. Even if you undergo an awakening that is as dramatic as the strike of lightning, developing into your new awareness will take time. Know that you will continue to change and grow into a new way of being. A rise in consciousness can be instantaneous, but our bodies need time to expand into alignment with the new consciousness.

Treat your physical body like it is in a state of recovery because it is. Stay hydrated with good clean water. Eat whole foods. Rewrite your comfort food story to include foods that feed the new emerging you.

I recommend removing alcohol from your life altogether or at the very least cutting way back. Don’t be surprised if you suddenly find yourself unable to tolerate it at all. Alcohol suppresses your intuition.

You are not only what you eat and drink, but you are what you watch and listen to. Many empathic people have already removed news, violent movies, and mindless commercial television watching. It can be beneficial to do a TV detox for a week. You may never go back! Remember this: as above so below, as within so without.

Take time to connect with our planet even if it is only to remove your shoes and walk in the grass. This simple exercise is called “grounding” and is a powerful opportunity for reconnection to both the earth and to your essence.

The good news is there are limitless opportunities to find healers, readers, and spiritual coaches. The bad news is there are limitless opportunities to find healers, readers and spiritual coaches. Be intentional and do your due diligence about who you allow into your energy field.

Find a spiritual community to both cultivate and provide support to others, but be mindful about any community that you are not completely in resonance with.

There is no substitution for doing the work. Anyone who implies that spiritual transformation is easy has not experienced their own transformation. Learn how to check your energy field, clear old programming, and stay sealed up against lower vibration energies.

It is an exciting time to be on this planet, but for those that are not willing to do the work, life will only become more challenging. This is the perfect time to become the farmer of your own energetic fields.

For more information about learning how to navigate and clear your energy fields, email

