California Takes Lead to Protect Next Generation

Emily Sherman
Less Cancer Journal
1 min readOct 20, 2017

How often do you check the ingredients in a cleaning product? There is nothing listed on the bottle, so it must be safe to use, right? Contrary to packaging, cleaning products used by families every day contain some of the most dangerous toxins out there. Until this week, no federal requirements existed that required ingredient disclosure.

California has taken the initiative to protect its residents from these cancer-causing agents with the passage of history-making legislation, the “Cleaning Product Right to Know Act” this week. As a result, cleaning companies will be required to disclose all ingredients in their products online by 2020 and on packaging by 2021.

This is an incredible step in the direction to protect our next generation of shoppers, workers, and families from cancer. While there is still work to do to implement nation-wide industry changes, the fight for your “right to know” has gotten attention. From the movie Stink! that highlighted the conversation on harmful chemicals in cleaning products, cosmetics, and clothes, to the state of New York currently implementing related legislation, victories are happening every day in the fight to build a healthier tomorrow.

