A Formless Gift, Unspeakable Truth, & Universal Alignment

Eric Zúñiga
Less Stress More Success
16 min readSep 22, 2022

Before I begin with my 3P slanted ideas, there is something I want to share about divine love.

Some years back, I had a conversation with a behavioral health administrator about the key component of mental wellness. The question was easy enough to answer. I could have done it in a couple of sentences or even a few words. The challenge surfacing wasn’t in the words, it had to do with conveying the meaning and feeling.

For some behavioral health practitioners, the remedy to mental problems is complex. Yet, it is frequently summed up in one word by benevolent folks, and that word isn’t 3P. It is love, and it’s mostly an indescribable feeling. There are additional possibilities to sum it up, including food, fun, and frolic. In either case, profound questions lead to profound responses.

For me, sensing the depths of the conscious heart is a moment of emotion that reaches beyond words. It is often a signal that the flowing feelings hold an unspeakable truth. After all, words are merely babel without meaning.

Back to the idea about love. In one form or another, it’s what everyone on the planet is seeking. Albeit, there are many variations and definitions of love. Some ideas of love include dominance, while some ideas manifest into an intentional community.

Specifically, the idea here isn’t about the variations of love, it is about love’s core. The potential of love has its roots in a universal source that produces various forms. Every connective route to love’s depths unfolds into a feeling of Wellbeing. It is a sense beyond the scoreboard of the intellect. Thus, it isn’t about knowledge or intellect. This idea of love aligns with the sacred, the origin from which all love arises into the present.

The Frontline of Resistance

As I blurted to the administrator, “It’s Love!” I felt love’s universality surround me. A sense of pure presence with unlimited depth that everything is in its place accordingly.

In the gentle depths of consciousness, it illuminates everything ethereal. It is an innate view where forming experiences are merely a reflection of the momentary mindscape. Every being is producing a temporary experience from the near-invisible essence of the psyche.

Universal Mind is the spiritual power source that generates stuff into existence. Before its arrival into form, it’s bundled with Universal Consciousness, the sensory overlay that enlivens thinking. While thinking is ongoing, its expressions derive from a function, Universal Thought. These three ethereal elements of the psyche blend to produce experiences. Wherever there is a multitude of experiences percolating, there is an enclave of realities.

“Eric, what does mental health have to do with love?” The health administrator urged.

In my mind’s eye, I had a thought. The essence of the divine universe may remain indescribable, but its formless potential is evident via life’s manifestations. Thus, our nature is pure potential, and within its purity is sacred love at the core. Every being is love in awakening. When the glow is on, it is divine reassurance.

To fear the unknown is to fear ourselves. Everyone is full of unknown quantities! With a divine core within, why fear one another? Hence, the greatest illusion in life is attempting to rearrange or divide form when the nature of form is a result of the mindscape. Change is an inside job, a shift of the mind.

Just as my conscious state delved further into presence, another response came abruptly from the administrator.

“Come on! Give me a break! Love isn’t enough!”

At the exact moment of receiving the administrator’s reply, I lost a listening ear. In an instant, I knew my words got in the way of my meaning. Then, another thought came to me. Syd Banks mentioned that wisdom is “the secret that can never be told.” Readiness is the key to hearing, listening, and seeing from the heart of consciousness.

The idea of divine love is merely an invitation. It is a world within, and once it begins to unfold, along with it comes an understanding of life’s oneness. By aligning with the inner world, it soon becomes evident that the problems in life are the illusionary makings of the mind.

For many, divine love is a challenging idea. Although, this is a signal that the intellect is attempting to grasp what it cannot comprehend. It is like drinking from a water well to quench momentary thirst. That’s all the intellect can do. It is impossible to drink all the water in a well at once. Meanwhile, from the presence of Wisdom’s foresight, it is possible to understand a water well from the depths of potential that can quench every thirsty moment into infinity.

Sacred Love Within

Everyone is seeking sacred love, and it is already within every being. Like a rudder of a boat, it propels existence by its divine nature. “It is a world of wisdom,” Syd had said, “and the second you realise it, you’ll find its oneness.”

Realising sacred love isn’t about the personal realm. The personal realm imprisons love. It festers the sacred into a scarcity. Indeed, love is not a drug, a toy, or an addiction, but the ego makes it so. There isn’t a cure for the ego because it thinks it is sanely justified at every turn. The intellect’s ego is motivated by insecurities, and it attempts to protect itself by dominating the spirit with its chaos. It makes love into war, but it is nothing more than an unresolved echo of its traumatic shadows.

The pains of love, such as loneliness, desire, and gratification, result in spiritual starvation. The ego is a fruitless flower. It makes life seem unbearable until its veil is removed to reveal its illusionary programming. The ego knows, that once it dies, it is a sure and final death. What remains is the spirit divine.

The outer world is a grand reflection of illusion, and illusions are forever disintegrating by awakening conscious states. Divine love stirs the heart to rise from its mental slumber. There is no escape from awareness. The universal design of the spirit is to expand into its depths, and the shadows are the usual reminders of the past, which motivate a to return home to our sacred identity.

Our minds have roots in healing. We are designed for transformative realignment into divine presence. It is our spiritual nature to break free from the chains of cognition and the clutch of the ego’s shadow side. In exchange, life experiences become a marvel. Mental problems dissolve when their programming becomes obsolete.

Problems exist as long as thinking keeps them alive. Why not nurture loving thoughts instead?

Living in the sacred world is full of wisdom and compassion. It is our spiritual garden and the core of life. Within this sacred universe is divine love, and it is the impersonal guide that cleanses the mind and its thoughts. Every doubt, problem, or insecurity naturally loses its grip with its purifying presence. Within a quieting mind, freedom can be found.

Universal Essence

I’m an ordinary person, so I know firsthand that the intellect doesn’t listen to the conscious heart. Everyone, including myself, can only hear the wisdom that we are ready to hear. In this sense, I am incapable of convincing anyone that divine love or wisdom is innately within already.

Every day and each night, there is beauty to behold in this grand universe. There are starry nights, sparkly thunderstorms, chirping birds, and barking dogs. An endless wonder of nature in an unfolding marvel.

My compassion for the behavioural health administrator was pouring out of me, but there was nothing I could do but walk away. When someone is caught up in the intellect (including myself), nothing can free it up but the person’s own insights. When a person wants to divide, defend, or protect a preconceived notion, above all else, it is a conversational endpoint.

It is impossible to repair a leak in a boat while the shipmate drills holes in it. It is nonsensical to expect someone to change from the outside in. Life changes from the inside out, and it happens at the pace of loving insights.

Seeing divine oneness is a choice, and love can reach near and far distances. It is common for a living spirit to lose its way or get trapped in a mental abyss. Everyone must find their way home, and everyone can. That is resiliency. It is about trusting in the divine that it will arise from within when it is ready. There are multiple opportunities every second and what makes them visible is an answer that can only be found inside oneself.

Of course, curiosity can light the way to new thinking. In the passageway of insight, the intellect’s restraints dissolve for a deeper sense of the spirit. “You are born with innate intelligence,” a benevolent person said, “and given a chance, it rises up into the mind.” Essence is universal, and this formless gift heals all wounds, problems, and spiritual anguish. It unifies all aspects of life innately.

Reincarnation Of a Soulmate

Sarah and Bosden had a connection that felt like an eternity. Their relationship had fragile moments and strong ones. Every couple’s experience is a unique journey towards the divine.

As Sarah put it, “Meeting him was such a romantic feeling. We were young and curious. Life was simpler back then, and we didn’t have much experience. There was a lot to learn.”

Sarah considered herself lucky in love. She avoided years of singledom to live her dream life. As a young child, she grew up in a community where family and home were central to everyone’s lifestyle. It was a tradition.

Bosden, grew up with a different tradition that inspired his life work. In his words, “Family gave me credibility. It was the unspoken leverage in the firm, so I wanted it. It was easy at first. Sarah and I both respected our roles. The time I made the partnership, it was the advancement that changed everything. My role in the firm was solid. My position in life was stable, whether there was family or not. I had new freedom. Sarah never understood it.”

Generational programming can turn into a psychological stockpile. Early in the developing phase of life is the beginning, where many influences convert into beliefs and convictions. Eventually, these consolidate into a worldview.

For Sarah and Bosden, the interpersonal challenges were a conundrum. The immediate response was to take a stand for the entrenched values. For Sarah, it was family. For Bosden, it was his position of influence. Each tried to sway one another to take part in their separate worlds to make them whole again.

The Enduring Heart

Bosden explained, “It’s my position that gives Sarah her lifestyle. Without it, there wouldn’t be a family. Sure, it isn’t ideal, but why can’t it be enough? We have almost a perfect life. Why mess that up?”

Sarah’s struggle had a different angle, “He changed the script. We came into this with family from the start, and his job halted that growth. My home is stagnant. Why can’t he figure out another option if he truly loves me?”

The rising emotions in both Sarah and Bosden added tension to the relationship. The feeling of limits brought an uncomforting sense like a shadow of darkness. Both wanted to escape its clutch.

In the stillness of the intellect, the conscious heart can bring a second chance into the cognitive mind. The heart knows, without doubt, that the possibilities are in the wings of discovery. By uncovering a feeling of wisdom, it brings a relationship into alignment with equanimity.

A benevolent guide once said, “Every person has the potential for lasting love. Once it is found within, it unfolds from there, and you get what you have been searching for, you find the fulfillment you seek.”

However, it would be futile to share outside-in wisdom with Sarah and Bosden at a point when they were unreachable to anything but their own classical programming.

Bosden explained further, “I don’t want to keep secrets from Sarah, but there are things she wouldn’t understand. She doesn’t know much about the world and the stuff I have to do to keep our interests secure. The life we have isn’t free, and my efforts deserve her support, but she doesn’t accept it.”

Naturally, Sarah had her own perspective, “We were happy from the start, and there isn’t anything more in the world for us. We both love traveling and being together. I just want him to be happy, and his position is a burden to us both, but he won’t let it go. It’s more important than us. What could be more important than our happiness?”

Finding common ground is an insightful process. There isn’t a pill form to cure relationship uneasiness. As usual, the answers are as close as the beating heart itself. It is forever at the call of inner sight. Once it illuminates, new thinking arises from the ashes of the old. There isn’t a right way or wrong approach to finding it. Often a sense of compassion can be the spark to it.

Wisdom is at the heart of divine love. It is there for everyone. A formless gift that everyone shares in common. Every person and each couple is the same when it comes to heartfelt wisdom. It is a sense that washes away illusions and shines a clear path that is ever renewing.

Thoughts Are Feelings Too

The function of thinking brings ideas and beliefs into an experience. In tandem with the sensory function of consciousness, it gives thinking a feeling, an emotional realism. For example, the relationship burden felt by Sarah and Bosden had its beginnings in the mind. Every feeling or emotion corresponds to a state of mind.

Thoughts are neutral until energized by the mind. Each moment, thinking is either based on wisdom or intellect. The intellect’s ego has no interest in problem-solving, it wants steering power, regardless of its route. Meanwhile, wisdom brings calm and compassion to situations.

For example, identifying with an intellectual divide makes problems real. Conversely, identifying with sacred love evaporates the problems of relating while the intellect assists accordingly.

The intellect is like using an antique candlestick telephone for FaceTime. Of course, it would be problematic, but the problem isn’t the phone or the intention. Rather, it is about finding a synergistic feeling that can lift the emotion to its fruition.

In the Three Principles purview, synergy is realising how experience happens. Inherently, the principles of Mind, Consciousness, and Thought are near invisible functions. The way of thinking feels at the moment offers a clue about the degree of alignment from within. Once thinking aligns with the sacred, life moves at the pace of wellbeing.

While I had recommended a 3 Principles retreat that is designed for couples, they declined for another that resonated at a level they could grasp. For some couples, the 3P appears to be a steep learning curve because it flows from a feeling instead of knowledge or intellect. So, it forgoes lexicons and adherence to behavioural methods that aim to fix problems. The Three Principles offer guidance, like a magic compass. It guides a person or couple towards within to reveal the answers for themselves.

A Journey into the Mystical Unknown

The 3 Principles is about uncovering the wisdom within. Once it is found, there is no reason to look elsewhere. It is the resiliency of the heart, and it rises above problems rather than fixing them intellectually. It is an understanding of spiritual identity, which reveals the illusions that the intellect creates. Hence, the problems of the cognizant mind restore insightfully.

For Bosden and Sarah, the insight that they found was to attend a couple’s retreat on a resort island. They both agreed it could give them a chance to address their concerns and find a glimmer of hope. Essentially, Sarah and Bosden were looking for the same thing. It was a feeling of closeness and common ground to continue a lasting relationship.

The retreat idea filled their minds with hope and a second chance at finding love beyond the relationship tension. Love gives hope. It affords a moment to float above the muckiness and a chance to gain a new perspective.

On the first days of the retreat, Sarah and Bosden followed the itinerary enthusiastically. Small group discussions were led by facilitators established in sociology and behavioural science. Their methods were evidence-based, and even when some participants found the approach unsafe and uncomfortable, the facilitators requested them to adhere to the program.

Many therapeutic approaches can bring up feelings that are uncomfortable to the intellect’s ego, including the Three Principles. In wellness models, nurturing wisdom is central in giving participants levity while they process through the rough spots. However, each modality is a specialty. Some thrive on the fixer-upper approach, and some encourage inspiration from insight. Whichever method, the person or couple gets to decide what is sensible for them.

At the resort retreat for Sarah and Bosden, it encouraged the intellect to take the lead. The curriculum defined relationships and specific tools to use sequentially to maintain the relationship foundation. The intellectual approach emboldened Bosden’s perspective of the relationship. It confirmed that his efforts and vulnerability were being taken advantage of, and he was supported in setting boundaries.

As Bosden confided with another retreat member about his frustrations in his relationship, he felt cared for more than Sarah had given him. The member was understanding, which is what Bosden was ever seeking. In a moment of passion, Bosden and the member left the retreat to form a relationship. He had left Sarah behind without notice.

A New Chapter in Spiritual Resonance

When Sarah realized what Bosden had done, she felt abandoned and overwhelmed by emotional pain. There wasn’t anywhere to hide her feelings or find safety in the retreat program. Instead, a few members approached her and offered their support.

During a moment of solitude, Sara had an insight that gave her a feeling of freedom. Her burdens lifted, and in a vulnerable moment, found serenity and strength. It came with the realization that she hadn’t done anything wrong. She was innocently attempting to fix a relationship that wasn’t broken.

Sarah shared her realisation.

“When Bosden left, it was the same feeling as if he was there. Both were empty because he wasn’t there for me, he was there for himself. I did what I could to be available to him and support him, but it didn’t matter. The ‘us’ didn’t matter. I couldn’t get through to him, and I realise now there wasn’t any point in trying.”

Joseph was a member at the retreat and told Sarah that Bosden just walked away. Sarah continued, “this is what I should have done too. Bosden’s job was his priority above our relationship. I understand investing energy in a job, family, and such. I loved him unconditionally. I know he loved me, but it was more about an alliance with his world than love.”

Couples that are led by intellectual love eventually find contaminated love. Why? The intellect has affinity bias and many blind spots, whereas discovering the wisdom within can illuminate the illusions of mental desires and programming.

Letting sacred love guide a relationship isn’t about discarding the intellect. Moreso, it is about seeing the illusions it creates for what it is, compassionately. The intellect doesn’t know what it does until it ends its determination. That is the innocence of it.

Sarah, without knowing it, was in a relationship with an unwilling partner, and this combination doesn’t need fixing. It is a matter of walking away. It affords a moment of self-care that can become a hopeful awakening beyond the circumstances of life. Once Sarah saw for herself, she knew there was a divine core within that she could rely on for guidance.

For Sarah, the retreat was disheartening, but it also had a hopeful glimmer that gave her the strength to continue life with a new perspective of relationship bonding.

Life After Death

Many spiritualists, including Syd Banks had said, “You’ve got to die to live.” In this sense, Sarah had a spiritual awakening, which was sure death to her mental desires of what a fulfilling relationship would offer her.

In this relationship narrative, there are no villains. The idea of right or wrong, good or bad, is nonexistent. Both Sarah and Bosden did what made sense in the moment. It was their best thinking, and had a greater insight occurred to them, they would have done something different.

Whichever the case, the resort retreat was the location for a mindshift. Bosden found someone that could agree and understand his disposition. It satisfied his intellect and reaffirmed his lifestyle.

For Sarah, she found new friends at the retreat that she could trust in her most vulnerable moments of life. Beyond the pains of loss, it gave her a new understanding of her durability, and she felt a readiness for a relationship that had alignment with wisdom over mental desire.

Several months later, Joseph, a member at the retreat, began dating Sarah. Their supportive friendship grew into a budding relationship that reached beyond the old programming and into a divine world to explore together. This is how Sarah reincarnated her soulmate.

When wisdom infuses with sacred love, it guides us to an authentic state of being. There are 7.6 billion people on the planet, and according to the theory of probability, there is likely someone for you, me, and every generation to come.

A Sacred Home

Aside from matchmaking in the physical realm, there is the spiritual. It is aligning with the universal state of being. Divine wisdom and sacred love are ways to describe it. However, at the core of the sacred universe, it has an unspeakable truth. There are many ideas, like sacred love, that attempt to place words around it. Even so, at the core of our universal nature, it is seeing beyond the physical realm of time, space, and matter.

In this earthly world, there is another world within it. It is what energizes all life here and throughout the universe. It is a potential. It is the most powerful compass ever known. It guides us towards a sacred home where we realise that the wisdom we seek is within already. Every being is born with it, and it is the source of our ability to manifest love and be loved by another. Every person has the capacity for love given a chance.

What is it that you want more than anything in the world? It is an age-old question. For some, it is reconciliation. It could be unconditional love or a spiritual quest. Whichever, we all deserve to give ourselves love in this journey.

Whatever we think love is, becomes a reality. If we think love is in a person, place, or thing, then that is what we find. Once we realise love is within us already, there is nothing to find. Instead, life becomes an exploration of the spiritual. It is the nearest route to uncovering the secret of the universe.

The way of the heart is an unseeable journey. It is where pure love and wisdom live.

“Look within the depths of your divine nature, and you will find the essence of whatever it is you seek.”


The secret of love is within you, hidden in the depths of your innate intelligence.

Originally published at https://ericzuniga.com on September 22, 2022.



Eric Zúñiga
Less Stress More Success

Eric Zúñiga is a peer spiritual mentor that goes beyond 3P.