Are You Really Free?

A message for Passover


Photo by Phil Goodwin on Unsplash

You already know that freedom has everything to do with joy, contentment, and possibility. Did you also know that it brings insight, inspiration, and love, brings you closer to your own inner wisdom and to your own divine connection to wisdom?

Passover [ends tomorrow]. It is the holiday of freedom, freedom from slavery, of the Jews being set free from the bondage of the Egyptians. The celebration of becoming a people and taking the first steps toward revelation, to receiving the word of G-d, for guidance, inspiration, and peace.

What does freedom mean to you and are you truly free? Do you even notice the chains that you have put around yourself? What would it mean to be truly free?

I see people every day who want more out of life. They have a sense that if they could just reach that next milestone or get away from their own negative self-talk or even just know what to do and how to do it, that they would be more content, happier. As humans, we tend to live in varying states of dissatisfaction always looking for that next hill to climb as if just over the next crest, we will find the meadow of true happiness and contentment.

What does freedom have to do with finding that meadow? Of finding the space of contentment.

The journey to freedom



Deborah Baron, I Coach Emerging Leaders
Less Stress More Success

I coach and mentor young professionals and emerging leaders to find their confidence and competence so they can step into their full potential.