Eternal Wisdom in Today’s Turmoil

Less Stress More Success
3 min readOct 8, 2020
Photo by Author

I sit in semi-dark barely noticing a persistent mosquito.
It’s 4 am.
The world outside my window is quiet but two phrases are skipping with each other through my head.
“Truth is beauty” and “Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.”

My mind plays with these phrases against the backdrop of today's global turmoil.

This last phrase, beauty is in the eye of the beholder used to conjure in my head a picture of a wayside flower,
Two people walking by.
One disregarding, oblivious, crunching it underfoot.
The other pausing, bending, touching, enjoying.
Sometimes the picture was a face.
A soul gazing into its eyes lost in the wonder of worship, and another seeing only some imagined imperfection, lips too big, shaven head, or sticky-out ears.

I notice today that I have given it more meaning, it now conjures up mobs moaning in pain or violently roaring in anger.
People heroically attempting to save our sea one piece of microplastic at a time. Vicious words hurled across the world, ripping bloody chasms through social media and people’s peace, shrieking "This is real!"

My way! My Truth! My Beauty! No Mine!

Different levels of consciousness and billions of individual realities fighting for their personal truth to be heard, believed, accepted as The One!

One person seeing beauty in whose lives matter and another in whose don't. 
One seeing beauty in science and another in horror theories.
(I pause to laugh in the illusion of it all, noticing how the last sentence feels like blasphemy to my version of truth in this moment.)

Seven billion versions of truth that change and sway and morph with each new thought.

Countries, cultures, family, friends standing in seemingly opposite corners of the boxing ring our world has boiled into... straining, slipping, hurting, hitting, in bloodied sweat and tears.

As these thoughts flow through me, So does the ferociousness of it all.

Fears arise.
How do I negotiate this wild turbulence?
How does one know what to do, who to believe,?
Each time I enter the Outside In arena,
Looking outside as the cause of my fear I get to play again in my humanness.

Sometimes I bury my head in sandy ignorance. 
Hands over ears.
Screaming silently, "Shut the hell up!"
I don't want to know the latest ugliness. 
Leave me alone!

Sometimes I'm pulled into some seemingly valiant action
by a hope that it is Love and will prevail.
Backwards and forwards I can sway in this noisy craziness.
It can be thrilling, stimulating, exciting, ghastly, and Oh so exhausting.

Bird song trickles through the open window.
Colours warm the darkened sky.

Inside I am quiet.

Surrendering into stillness.
I smile. 
This blessed Space.
The simpleness of Being.
Deep below the tumult of noise in my head
This formless womb of creation.
That which never changes. 
Purity in Consciousness and Wisdom always present.

This Space within where I am home
Knowing that no matter the illusion,
the noise, the feelings of separation and conflict,
We are One.

One with each other.
One with Wisdom.
One with the Bird.
One with the song.
Beauty is Truth and Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.

In the gift of human experience, I choose my very own version of beauty.
And always underneath this illusion is eternal beauty, eternal truth.

Love once again floods my humanness.

We are One and I am able at any moment
to return to the harmony
of that Oneness.
To come home.
To synchronize my personal mind with divine Mind.

I sit snugly in this loved filled womb of creation.
Untouched by the choppy waves of thought.

Love, Connection, harmony, division, separation, hate
Heaven or hell.

I wonder what I will choose today?

"All humans have the inner ability to synchronize their personal mind with their impersonal mind to bring harmony into their lives." Syd Banks

"Beauty is Truth and Truth Beauty - that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." John Keats

"Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder." Plato



Less Stress More Success

A student of Life, Coach and Mentor in the 3 Principles understanding.