For the Love of Another — Part 2: Relationship Magic

Eric Zúñiga
Less Stress More Success
12 min readOct 29, 2021

Where is the love connection? It can be like the needle in a haystack. But as with everything else, there is a magical element in the mix. Everything infuses with love’s potential. With that said, do you think there’s enough to go around? Surely, we are more loving potential than its expressions.

About a month ago, my elder sister said something I am sure to remember. She said, “ Everyone makes an innocent mistake in a relationship at some point. Embrace the good over magnifying imperfections if you want it to last.”

When given a chance, love eventually finds its receptive appreciation. So, in the experiential sense, our whole reality, including love and intimacy, is what we make of it. It is personal to ourselves while virtual to everyone else. And, yes, of course, our unique deviations have a power source, and it happens to be universal in origin. Love intelligence is a natural phenomenon in every being. It is innate.

However, even love’s potent and magical trance can drift to the sidelines. It is another aspect of life, insecurity! Much of my 3P expertise and qualifications derive from understanding how subscribing and unsubscribing to thought can alter the course of life. My guess, once insightful inspiration comes along, every occasion becomes a worthwhile life moment. As my late elder had stated, “the streets can be risky, but it is where you get your smarts!”

Since everyone has insightful prospects, we are all love experts. Love is our energetic connection that jumps the bounds of time, space, and matter. Navigating the romantic aspect of our world is a courageous and connective path. But, aside from my hokey description, here are some insights from the folks in the trenches. Buckle-up!

Couch Cuddling Power

Elise totes her motto proudly, “twenty minutes a day of passionate cuddles keeps separation away!” It is unlike any power on the planet. For Elise and her polyamorous partners, the antidote to sensory deprivation is frequently in reach. Safe to state, love works when you work it!

Welcome-in! To the Out Party!

For every closet, there are bones to be found. It can take the form of perceived losses or mistakes. In some cases, it can contribute to self-worth distortions. Eventually, the low-worth thinking can accumulate, resulting in another kind of pile. So naturally, adaptability is built in.

“Is it safe?” was Billy’s response to his partner James when asked, “When are you coming out, Love!” James had the “Aha!” moment in one session, realizing readiness is an inside job. But, the potential is there already. Along with potential are possibilities.

Life lessons happen, and so does healing. Readiness travels at the cadence of insight, whether coming out of the closet or the bedroom and into the kitchen. It is the natural intelligence that explicitly reveals a future of brighter days ahead for all partnerships.

Love and Hate Mate

Which is our purest default? Love for hate or something else? Well, both are expressions of potential, undeniably. Of course, some couples have passionately blended love and hate, while some prefer a sweeter or sourer happy place instead. That is intimacy, revealing heart consciousness uniquely. This “into-me-you-see” equation activates by free will. A window to the essence of the thinking mind as it forms its wild to mild romantic expressions from formless potential. That sounds organically magical to me!

But, that isn’t how the story ends, as Sam would say about his BFF. It was a blowout from the start. Whistling down a few drinks at the local tavern one afternoon was where Sam first met his polar opposite, Blake. Taking their argument outside, it quickly escalated into a parking lot brawl. Moments later, the script flipped, and the two discovered respect for one another’s spirited attitudes. In this way, innate wisdom became the connectivity elixir. It can dwarf incompatibilities and enhance synchronicity. Within wisdom’s potential, a foe can be a prologue to a beautiful friendship.

Are we all the same?

“Let’s be down-to-earth!” was Lexi’s starter to her more profound thoughts. She continued, “We all want companionship! We’re born connected!” As I listened, her words began reverberating the unanimous tone of love’s foundation. It includes sharing, caring, compassion, forgiveness, and not least, passion.

It was apparent in session, Lexi had her unique way of dropping insecurities. “Finding my center, it’s effortless now. It’s the same thing I do when losing my keys! I un-tether the pollution!” Reaching an insightful destination may be a winding road or a narrow straight. But, the presence of well-being is always a loving thoroughfare away.

Throughout the sessions, Lexi and her partner discovered a conscious shift. It was a relationship of loyalty transforming into a partnership of love. With her solid understanding of the universality of experience, Lexi found a new level of confidence in herself. Soon, it began radiating towards her partner, and it validated her ability to re-establish the pillars of their lifelong partnership.

As much as love’s magical foundation has universal proportions, its pillars are unique to each couple. Thus, with every conscious expansion, it enhances the partnership along its way into enlightenment.

Our experiential origin is our sameness, and our uniquely personal view is our experience of it. It means reality is energy shifting at the state of consciousness. Our differentiation is what universality appears like when it is expanding!

Free To Be!

“Everybody gets to define life on their terms,” said Dante. Listening to Dante, I began understanding more about life. So, I invited them to continue. “We aren’t all going to fit into a gender duality, and for me, intimacy is more than copulatory duty!” It was apparent to me that Dante found a missing link. I, too, had an “Aha!” news flash. During my insightful glimmer, It guided me into the thought — that our psyche’s expressions are as natural as rain, wherever on the spectrum.

Listening to Dante made more sense. Some of what I heard was so new that I barely had words to the feelings. Indeed, I full-heartedly agreed with them. Our experiences of gender are intimate variants based upon each expressor. So, we’re meant to be unique! Gender is what we make it, and it can be bi-gender, cis, nonconforming, queer, fluid, pan, trans, and two-spirit are a few of the possibilities. There is even room for the heteroflexible.

In this light, sameness is the profound origin that gifts free expression with dignity. We are integrated beings. The integration of the personal, collective, and universal make us co-creators of ourselves, this world, and the universe. The tensions, lessons, and movements are the sparks that give way to a new conscious view with readiness.

We are all on the same spirited team, and it isn’t always obvious. Yet, we can learn and grow from any experience, and every experience is malleable. As a result, we can change our view of the past, present, and future. And, naturally, it can happen in an instant of thought.

Somewhere is on the Inside.

Question. Can there be a forever rainbow glow in any relationship? Every 3P Coach will insist, there is no relationship beyond renewal. That’s what 3P relationship coaches do best, aim towards the glistening inner sight.

There is a reason for a 3P Mentor to have 110% confidence in their clientele’s success. From a counseling perspective, it is inevitable. Once there is an understanding of the ethereal, described via principles, the veil lifts and reveals that the well-being sought is within already. Does it have a familiar sound?

The principles have jumped the bounds of psychology by morphing into common philosophy and the spiritual. “It’s all small stuff,” “Don’t believe everything you think,” and “thought dropping” are a few of the resonating phraseologies.

3P understanding is a potent source for mending a relationship as much as an excellent go-to source for interpersonal business growth or restoring mental health. Of course, love is central wherever insight happens to spark. It is the magical glue that permeates all aspects of our relations, here and onward.

We are forever animated by potential and expression. It is a winning combination, the power to manifest potential into form at the will of the spirit. So in case, this sounds like a sappy commercial break, I assure you, there is nothing to sell. The intelligence of the universe is stowed away within us. In this sense, discovering it is just a matter of inner readiness.

3P or another, any pathway that leads towards actualization is a universal path in the most sacred sense.

Are You Ready to Know Love’s Depths?

Investment in love is investing in heart consciousness. “You don’t gotta be knowledgeable, and you just need kindness.” That’s how Juilz put it. “We are naturally equipped with kindness. Some use it; some want to lose it, but all of us can let one another be!”

Then, a calm moment swept into the conversation. It was a summa cum laude insight that I was glad to hear. All too often, we struggle with stress and its effects on our well-being. The stress of the mind can give way to imbalances in life.

Every relationship experiences stress, blind spots, and forks in the road. The happier couples just don’t believe a bit of anything that resembles crap! Here’s the crux. The stuff that stresses us out might be a natural fixture. Be that as it may, if we see the stress as a learning lesson or necessary growth spurt, it isn’t experienced as stress anymore! Here is Juilz version:

“If your dreams come true, that’s great. It was meant for you. If a few of those dreams make it, that’s good too, and if none of your dreams come true …. You know, it isn’t a bad thing. It just means that you are fully awake in consciousness.”

Similarly, a psychological study conducted about stress and its effects on the body found a near-absolute correlation. When a person views their stress as beneficial, such as a workout or goal to achieve, the stress dissipates into balance. The study Included results that showed when a person was told that the stress would be beneficial, thought became highly effective. It can create an opening of potential that gives well-being a chance to leap to the forefront.

Once the person considers the possibility of well-being or rekindling love in a relationship, the mind-body-spirit regains balance. In essence, if you can make a bad situation good via thinking in the conscious mind, it wouldn’t matter where you are in the universe. You wouldn’t ever be too far from home.

“I guess when you see the good in everything, you can stop looking for it!” was my contributing cent. It reminded me about a client, Paul, that was struggling to understand his wife. Eventually, I asked him what initially brought him into their union? His response was love. “Then, that’s what can get you out of the struggle,” was my bold verbal gesture. His reply was expressed with a reflective pause.

A session or two later, Paul discovered a new promise avenue to relate with his wife. It wasn’t rocket science. It was more about viewing another part of the same scene. Then, voilà! Instantly, Happiness Street re-appeared as it had been before, at the corner of Sunshine Square. Paul naturally felt lighter in the relationship, and his wife responded in kind. It just seems odd to give up on a partner who has unlimited potential bursting at the seams.

An All-weather Good Feeling

Are we forever using our potential to experience each moment? Have you noticed how almost everything becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy from our mind’s consciousness?

We can think our way into sensory misery as easily as pleasure or pain thinking. The inseparability of our psyche’s essence creates a singular experience. While our spirit may be directing the will, it includes the collective and universal, all wrapped into oneness.

Energy, especially the invisible kind, is all the same. There isn’t a distinction between dormant and active or form and formlessness. It is the same origin, meaning, purpose, and we are on the same team. Energy, in a humble sense, is an unfolding essence. Our experience of life is the verification of the ethereal’s totality.

Comparably, Mind-Consciousness-Thought is considered inseparable too. It is a one-in-the-same essence. For instance, within Universal Consciousness is Universal Mind and Universal Thought: Consciousness is sensory thought, and heart thought is Mind.

“The ocean of potential is as undefinable as love itself.”

When we use thought to impose a lesser value upon ourselves or another, it can shift relationship dynamics from loving towards emotional distress. What would support at that moment like that feel? What would it not feel like? Whatever we think support is or isn’t, the momentary reply offers verification.

“Just saying thanks isn’t warm-n-cuddly enough for us,” commented Tyler. “We’ve been through the worst. We know that ’cause when our thinking don’t go there, we don’t either! No reason to believe half of the stuff anymore!”

After session, I started to ponder. How can anyone make a mistake in a relationship if there isn’t a go-to manual or answer key? [Did civilization arise for relationship well-being? And since it is inside already, can we go back to the way it was before — au naturel! You get the drift.]

Awakening Love

In a grander sense, life resembles a sacred journey that ever-expands consciousness. It is a learning bonanza. So, consider this: if we truly come from a universal origin of love and fuzzy connections, we will eventually transform everything into sappy loving awareness!

How about you? When it comes to relationships, what are your insights that nurture the nature of your love life? There are an endless array of stories to explain the phenomenon of love. But, even still, it is incomplete without you.

The quality of love is energetically alive in us. The insightfulness of love has a continuous expansion. Our love-life is a journey with a distant past of the Olmec, mythology, the classics, and the modern. Meanwhile, in the present, we do our best to understand the course of love here and into the future.

Special Note: In case it needs to be stated, love’s magical potential is universal. Unlike the diagnostic criteria for magical thinking (DSM V, 301.22 Schizotypal Personality Disorder), it is an innate phenomenon. Here is a quiz for you. Have a go at being the decider of the following quote. Is it referencing magical love or magical disorder?

“See, when you’re in a good mood, it’s a good song, bad mood, bad song.” (Bad Bosses 2)

We experience life at the pace of manifestation. We do our best to make sense of ourselves in this reflective world. As a caring human, it is unclear how an interpretation of reality (e.g., dreams, fantasy, envisioning, concepts) that have nurturing intention, be anything but love? I am sorry if love seems like a disorder when there is so much potential. (Maybe the disorder is the way we as society neglect to place the value of love as central. Maybe.)

And here is another option to ponder!

At some moment, I would like to express more about human intimacy, including deviations, kitten porn, clubs and dives, abstinence, and a slew of topics that many consider taboo. Seemingly, what keeps us in the blind, is we push intimacy in the dark. Ready for some energetic contrast? Until then, Be Well!

Originally published at on October 29, 2021.



Eric Zúñiga
Less Stress More Success

Eric Zúñiga is a peer spiritual mentor that goes beyond 3P.