Game of Life

Joe Fletcher
Less Stress More Success
1 min readJan 31, 2021

The wheels of progress turn very slow
You will it to go exponentially faster
Become stressed as you push harder and harder

As the deadline approaches you begin to panic
Predict consequences of another project failed
Believe your life will end, your family will starve

A man comes along, says there’s another way
Uncover your diamond that resides at your core
Chip away at the crap accumulated on top

It’s just a game that we have decided to play
With rules we designed we treat as the truth
That restrict all potential, cause us to lose hope

Stop using your noggin, embrace who you are
Trust your God inside that will take you real far
Answers required flow through the channels within

Enjoy this game, there is no need to fret
Express all your joy that pulsates from your heart
Create heaven’s wonders, you were built to infuse



Joe Fletcher
Less Stress More Success

I am part of the Pursuit of Truth group that are looking to spread our message of mental health recovery and transformation through the 3 principles