Greetings, Fellow Human! A Message from Korgu of the Outer Rim

Thoughts on fellowship, humanity, and thinking

John McKay
Less Stress More Success
2 min readOct 5, 2020


You Are Here — Photo courtesy of

I’ve been thinking about the ways we relate to our fellow humans, and I found myself thinking about that word, ‘Fellow’. It’s an interesting word, originally it appears to have meant “one who lays down money with, as in a joint venture”, but shortly afterward came to mean “one of the same kind”, which is the meaning I am interested in here.

When I greet another person with the (internal, if it feels too weird) salutation, “Greetings, Fellow Human!” I have a strong sense of our common humanity, our kinship, our fraternity. Whatever illusions I held only a moment before about status, expertise, appearance, race, religion, sexuality, nationality, etc. disappear.

We are ‘of the same kind’, we are family, the same, equal.

One of the things that the 3 Principles teach us is that before our thinking, before our understandings and misunderstandings of the world, without our faulty and fictional stories about who we are and who others are, we are all the same. We are consciousness, awareness.

We are human, and experience life through the lens of our human bodies and brains.

The implications of this are deep. It means that everyone you meet is your brother or sister. We are not in competition, we are in cooperation. We are cheering for everyone’s success, for the success and happiness of humanity. We feel love for everyone, even when someone is behaving poorly. We know that, beyond their thinking, they are like us, and given the same thinking, we would behave in the same way.

Try it yourself. The next time you see another person, try addressing them silently to yourself, “Greetings, Fellow Human!” and see what changes in your mind, in your body. Feel the connection with another being, who is ‘of the same kind’ in fellowship with you.

(The Korgu from the Outer Rim bit was just for fun, a creature from outer space wouldn’t be a fellow human!)

If you’d like to learn more about the Three Principles of Mind, Consciousness, and Thought, please follow our publication, Less Stress More Success!

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John McKay
Less Stress More Success

I am a coach living in the Seattle area. I work with my clients to improve their lives by adding Curiosity, Connection, Creation.