Here’s What to Do if Therapy Isn’t Working For You


Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash

And if it is working, therapy that is, don’t read this. I mean it, stop right where you are and keep doing what you are doing. This article isn’t for you.

We all want to feel better in this world and that’s all I want for you too. So if therapy is working, keep doing that. But, if therapy is not working, let me offer that there might be a deeper place to look. Before your psychology. To the place from whence your psychology comes.

It has worked for me, for my colleagues, and my friends. For many of us, we found the final destination in a lifetime of searching.

So, If you are curious, this is an invitation to look in a different direction.

The direction is spiritual. Not religious, spiritual.

“Spirituality is everything we can’t understand.” — George Pransky

Do you know what it means to be enlightened? I’ll admit, I never gave it much thought but I now understand that even though most of us will never find enlightenment, the path, the learning curve so to speak, is a path of great healing, insight, and possibility. Again, I’m not talking about religion but rather an eye toward seeing the world through a spiritual lens.



Deborah Baron, I Coach Emerging Leaders
Less Stress More Success

I coach and mentor young professionals and emerging leaders to find their confidence and competence so they can step into their full potential.