How Deep Does the Rabbit Hole Really Go? Deeper than you can Possibly Imagine.

Laurie Holmes
Less Stress More Success
4 min readNov 1, 2020

“You take the blue pill…the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill…you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”

Imagine for a moment that the rabbit hole goes back to the womb. That the identity that you call your “self”, was created before you were born. It was informed by everything you heard and felt for whatever length of time you spent there. What you felt deep inside, what you made True. What if it never was? What if that was the Illusion inside the Matrix of your own Mind!

“ And in this game of life, we all search for our selves. When I say selves, I mean inner selves, the thing that created life in the first place. Now consciously, most of us are not aware of this. But if you’re searching for happiness, if you’re searching for tranquility, if you’re searching just to have a nice, peaceful, loving, understanding life….in actual fact, your searching for your inner self.” — Sydney Banks

Think about the life you have already led, think back to the pivotal moments that happened when you were a child. What if you could “see” what really happened, from a fresh perspective. What if you could see the moment you ‘decided Who You Were. What if that was Never True. What then would be possible. I am asking you to think from a place that’s not what you already know, or think you know. I am asking you to look in that moment before the thought was created. When you were floating 100% in Pure Potential. When you just Were. If you had been born into that world, who then would you have become? If I have rattled you… good. If I have confused you… good. If I have challenged you… even better. The thing is I have stumbled upon something that broke every belief I have ever had about myself to smithereens. I have discovered the Truth about My Humanness. I have seen where I took the blue pill over and over again. Until I Stopped. Until I took the Red Pill and saw what I created before I was ever born. I saw why I believed what I did, I saw why I created the relationships I had(even my family), why money has always been something I chased, or got rid of like sand. I saw why I did exactly what I did, the paths I took, and ultimately my reasons for becoming human. I had to have a game to play, and this was the game I chose.

If you have read this far, you either think I am totally nuts, or you are curious where the hell I am going with this, and what does it possibly have to do for you…the reader. I know as I have either read an article here, word for word, or I bounce around to find the relevant information that is useful or interesting to me. Fair enough. So I will understand if you do the same here, and skim on by.

What if now knowing the Truth, was the moment that my real purpose for being here, actually began. What if I have spent an eternity in trying, fixing, managing, people pleasing, insecurities, fears, inertias, of “I DON‘T WANT TO’S”, where I have been spinning my wheels and accomplishing very little, because I somehow believed deep down(womb deep)that I wasn’t the POWERFUL AWESOME, MAGNIFICENT, BEING OF DIVINE LOVE AND WISDOM, THAT I TRULY AM, so I created something less than that so I would have something to work on. Something to achieve, somewhere to grow, ie: something to Do.

Our true inner self is Divine. It’s incorruptible, and non egocentric. It’s also 100% Pure Consciousness and completely Impersonal. That’s when you know you have tapped into it. I have seen my true purpose, and I will be on this path till I take my last earthly breath. I am here to not always get it right, to fall, make mistakes, feel every emotion, to continue to stretch myself, to fail, to keep on going. knowing that I am a Spiritual Being, having a human experience, and that means I see who I AM when I do, and don’t see it when I don’t. I can live every moment knowing I am doing the best I can(even eating something sweet and delicious), because at the end of the day….I know how deep the rabbit hole goes. If you are interested in hearing more, find me on my website:



Laurie Holmes
Less Stress More Success

Bio: Transformative Clarity Coach, passionate about directing people back to the Truth of who they really are., Author, Leader, Writer and Curious Life Learner