How to Become Financially Fearless

How a simple shift in understanding can be a game changer

Michael Neill
Less Stress More Success


As there is so much fear around money in our culture, particularly evident over the past 9 months or so of economic uncertainty, I thought it might be helpful to explore where that fear comes from and what we can do about it.

Here’s the key in a nutshell:

What makes money scary is the thought that how much of it we have really, REALLY matters.

If the amount of money in our bank account really, REALLY mattered, then all the behaviors that most of us think of as “normal” around money would make perfect sense. After all, if our survival, well-being, and self-worth were dependent on our bank balance:

  • The majority of our time (at least 8–10 hours a day, 5 days a week) would be spent in the pursuit of making money
  • Our education system would be designed to train children in the skills they will need to make money as adults, and higher education would be designed to prepare young adults to make even more money
  • Once we had some money, we would do everything in our power to protect it from outside threat
  • Those people who were unable or unwilling to succeed at the money game would drop out and blame themselves, others, or…



Michael Neill
Less Stress More Success

Michael Neill is an internationally renowned transformative teacher, author, broadcaster, and speaker. To learn more visit: