A 3 Principles poem for children

Inside-Out! Upside-Down!

A story of You!

Less Stress More Success


photo by Author

(Written for Rachael who was unhappy in Lockdown.)

One day I was grumpy
And feeling quite blue.
I was sad, I was cross,
I had nothing to do.
I was locked down at home,
Not allowed to go out.
It was scary out there
with a virus about.

A comical creature
caught my eye in a tree,
He looked like a gecko
half crossed with a bee.
“Who are You?” I asked,
wondering what he would say,
And He smilingly said,
“I’m Goo Too Ra Mac Fay.”

“At your service,” he bowed,
his eyes twinkling at me
“I’m Goo Too Ra da Lay or Goo Too Ra da Loo,
“Call me Goo Too Ra Mac Day or Goo Too Ra Mac Doo.
“I really don’t mind.”
snickered the gecko cross bee,
“Say whatever you like!”
And he bowed low to me.

“You are feeling so sad,
I can help you,” said Bee
“Because I have a magical
secret.” said he.
“Come closer and listen to
Goo Too Ra Mac Fee.”

“Oh The secret,” said he
is to know what is REAL
and Real things don’t change, No!
that’s not part of the deal.
The really real Truth is always,
ever the same,
but feelings come and go,
they’re just part of the game.”

“Upside down! inside out!” the crazy Geck said,
“We are feeling our thinking ...it’s all in our head!
How Awesome Fantab. Oh, how amazingly Cool!
“To see this so simple splendiferous rule.”

“Stop! Stop! Stop!
Bee da Loo.” 
I was angry you see,
“You just don’t understand
you crazy old bee!
When dad gets all grumpy,
or Granny is mumpy,
when the custard is lumpy
or my bed is GaBunchy!

Or sometimes at school
teachers horrid you see,
you just don’t understand
Goo to Ra Mc Nee.
What you say is not possible,
some things are Quite crossable,
what you are saying to me is totally mad…
It’s all wrong, Upside Down, inexplicably bad!”

“Shhhhhhhh…” said McBee,
He winked gently at me
“Just take a deep breath and See what you See...

Your dad can’t make feelings
happen inside of you.
It’s what you are thinking
that makes you so blue


Feeling sad is not bad
these bad feelings will pass,
don’t give them attention
and they’ll float on right past.
thoughts are not real,”
The Bee-Geck puffed on
“thoughts come and they go.
It’s all a big Con!”

“Feelings and thoughts are all the same thing,
“sit back and relax and enjoy what they bring.
A thought can’t hurt you, it’s not here to stay
If you don’t give it heed it will just float away.”

“You’re feeling your thinking
Just don’t take it to heart.” said
Goo too Ra da Line
“Inside Out, Upside Down,”
the crazy Geck said,
“We are feeling our thinking ...
it’s all in our head!
How Awesome Fantab! Oh how amazingly Cool!
To see this so simple splendiferous rule.”

“Thoughts come and go,
like the clouds in the sky.
One day you feel low
one day you feel high…
And The sky doesn’t hold them
It lets them fly by.

The sky doesn’t judge them
as good clouds or bad,
It lets them float on...
it’s really Quite Rad!!!
The sky knows the clouds
will change every day
and as for our thoughts?
Well, they’re made the same way.”

“As your thoughts float on by,
many others will come,
some will be silly
and some will be fun.”

“Thoughts are wispy, they’re crispy,
They are funny, they’re sad,
sometimes we will laugh,
sometimes we feel bad.”

“Sometimes they are Dippy
Or sappy or flay.
Sometimes they come fast
and just want to stay...”

“Let's talk about THOUGHT STORMS!” The Bee Gek cried,
“Sometimes the thoughts come so thick and so fast,
it’s scary, it’s wild, Oooooo it is horrid my child.
Oh, you know the times,” he nodded sagely at me,
“Those thoughts that feel heavy and feelings feel sad;
We think funny thoughts like
I’m SO stupid, SO Bad!
Or maybe...
I’m so odd, no one quite understands me
My teeth are all squonk and dad doesn’t love me.”

“Oh, the thinky thoughts that we think! I’m so fat,
I’m so stupid,
I have such a big bum,
I’m not good enough
and I hate my mum.”

“Do You see now? 
When we get so stressed
the thoughts in our head
they get up and get dressed!
We can get so caught up in
thinky thoughts that we’re thinking,
the thoughts in our head that
we’re thinking start stinking!
The thoughts get puffed up
then they open the door
and in through that door
come more thoughts and more!!”

“Stinking Thinking
can bring in a really bad MOOD,
You are picking a fight,
You just want to be rude
But ...”

(softly now....)
“If you can be quiet
and try not to be snappy
the thinking will pass and
soon you’ll feel happy.”

“Just always remember ...

You are feeling your thinking
Please don’t take it to heart.” said
Goo too Ra McFine.

“The thinky thoughts that we think
are so crazy, so wild
and sometimes they’re beautiful
and they make us smile.
The magic” laughed Gek,
“is that Thinking Feels Real,
that’s just part of the game,
it’s just part of the deal.”

“Upside down & inside out.” the crazy Geck said,
“We are feeling our thinking ...it’s all in our head!”

“Just try it,” he said, “think a thought that is sad
and see just how quickly you start to feel bad.”
I paused and imagined Dad getting really angry

And strangely...

My hands got all clammy,
my knees turned to jammy
and suddenly I was feeling quite mad
as I had an imaginary fight with my Dad.

“Now think of a time you were happy,” said he,
“and watch your heart lift,” laughed Goo too Ra da Lee.

I remembered last Year on our great holiday.
We had a picnic and Gran came to stay.
We laughed, played games to our heart's desire
and finished up late with marshmallows and fire.
I smiled as I looked up at Goo too Ra Mac Gent
Thinking thoughts gives me feelings...100%!

And then I got quiet...
All my thinking slowed down
Could He be right?
Goo to Ra Mc Clown?
Deep down inside I started to see
That I’m not my thinking
It just comes through me...

“But Goo Too Day who Am I?:
I was getting upset, I wanted to cry...

“Oh this my dear is the best secret yet!
Come closer and listen to Goo Too Ra Mac Fet.
What’s Realer than Real is the YOU deep inside,
now that is a place that it’s fun to reside.

Thoughts come and they go and feelings do too,
but what stays the same?
Now THAT must be True!
What is it that Never but never can change ...
It’s ...a ...Space...DEEP...inside ...you…it’s always the same.”

“Do You know how you feel
when you’re happy and free?”
Asked funny old Bee-Geck
Goo too Ra Mac Fee.
I nodded my head
remembering when
yesterday I had been
feeling quite Zen!

I felt happy and loved
and so grateful too,
the colours were brighter,
the sky looked so blue.
“Now that,” said wise old Goo to Ra Mac Elf
“is the Space deep inside you, that is your True Self.
If you ever need help
or need to know what to do,
please go to the place that
is deep inside You!
When you get really quiet,
you’ll just know what to do
and then all will be clear.”
said Goo too Ra Mac Foo.

“How Awesome, Fantab Oh How amazingly Cool!
To see this so simple splendiferous rule.”
I smiled at my geck friend
Feeling happy and free
My heart felt so light
I felt Me-er than me!
Now That I know ...
I will never forget
The magic I learnt
From Goo Too Ra McFet.
Deep down inside there is something ...you see
There’s a beautiful Space where it’s always just Me!

(Very slowly now.....)
So the next time you're grumpy or mizy or blue
Remember the Love Space that is You-er than You.
That beautiful Space where you know all is cool
Remember that Peace Space, remember the rule.

When the thinking drifts past
then new thinking will come
It’s just part of the game
it’s just part of the fun.
And the Peace that is You?
Oh it’s going to stay
The You deep inside You
cant be taken away.
That space deep inside
that is You-er than You
can never be broken,
it’s always Brand New.
Deep down inside
all is Love, all is Light,
all the answers you need
All is All Right!



Less Stress More Success

A student of Life, Coach and Mentor in the 3 Principles understanding.