Keep Calm and Carry On

Even when it feels like you can’t

Elaine Hilides
Less Stress More Success


Man wearing Keep Calm and Vape t shirt
photo by Andrei Damian on Unsplash

If you were in the UK anytime during the last 15 years or so, I’d bet that either you or someone you know had, or still has, a poster, tea towel or mug showing the slogan, ‘Keep Calm and Carry On? Or Keep Calm and do anything at all.

This slogan appeared everywhere for a while, and people would throw these words at you if you were stupid enough to get a teeny tiny bit wound up by anything, let alone bat shit crazy.

The original poster was designed in 1939 to encourage a stiff upper lip during the war, but how do you feel if someone tells you to keep calm and carry on?

Does a fist pump yes, I can do this spirit arise in you, or do you want to tell them to take a high leap?

Do you go through all the reasons you shouldn’t be calm, either out loud or to yourself? Why you have every reason not to be calm?

Or do you think it’s the best way to be and try to stay calm? And we all know how that works out.

Maybe you’re generally calm without having to try? Or perhaps you believe that it depends on the situation, that there are some situations where you definitely can’t keep calm.

So will you be surprised when I tell you that you can keep calm regardless of the situation?



Elaine Hilides
Less Stress More Success

I'll help you go from anxious to peaceful. Wellbeing coach for over a decade. Currently enjoying a digital nomadic life travelling, working and having fun.