Love is a Spiritual Gift and it IS Your Super Power

Laurie Holmes
Less Stress More Success
5 min readNov 15, 2020

“One of the most beautiful things I can bestow upon you is the knowledge that love is the mystical key that opens the doors to the beauty and the happiness you seek. love ….is a feeling that comes in many disguises. It may be caring for someone in need, loving your husband, loving your children, caring for and helping your neighbors and friends. Or it may be bringing a little joy to others who are less fortunate. There is no end to the different ways to use this gift called love. “-Sydney Banks

What I now know for sure, is there is no such thing as falling in or out of love. That is absolutely impossible given we are Divine Spiritual Beings wearing human clothing. What often happens, however, is that we mistakenly believe what we are feeling, is coming from something outside of us which includes falling in or out of love. Our Divine energy is contained inside a body, which creates an illusion of separation from Source. Then we were born and we became acutely aware of feeling, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, and sensing this new world we woke up into, forgetting who we really were. We also began to create meaning for everything we began to experience. We had, in essence, become a separate feeling and thinking entity, and as a separate entity, we started to identify ourself with those thoughts and feelings. If we are feeling and thinking them, they must be true because they belong to us. That us became a ME. Mine. Ownership. Separate. That is when we began to suffer. If something can be taken away from me then I can suffer the pain of that loss. I am alone. This was the first lie we learned.

So if it can be lost, it can also be found, so we began searching for it outside us. This is the second lie we learned. We believed the answer to all our worries and concerns lay outside us. That created sensations of blame, guilt, abandonment, loss, fear, rejection, etc, etc. that made us think we were broken, unworthy, not good enough, or lovable, lacking, and always coming up short. Basically, since babyhood we bought into a LIE we believed was the truth, and have been running with it ever since.

How do you know if what I am saying is the TRUTH.

  1. You keep repeating the same annoying patterns with different disguises.
  2. You keep picking similar partners.
  3. Whatever you believe is true about you has been with you your whole life.
  4. It has stopped you over and over again from living your dreams.
  5. It has been the fly in the ointment over and over again.
  6. You have tried fixing, changing, manipulating and controlling your thinking to no avail.
  7. You have tried the same with your partner, friends and family.
  8. You know you have been on the hamster wheel of life and you have no idea How to get off it.

So You went searching. You kept looking outward. You forgot where it originated from. You forgot you were a Divine Being wearing human clothing, and that you already were the very expression of God, the very expression of Joy and Love.

Sit for a minute in the grandeur of nature, sit quietly and listen. Sit and listen for a feeling that is outside your personal thinking. That space where you feel connected to everything around you. That feeling that isn’t describable but can only be experienced. Time has no meaning there, it could be five minutes or five hours. You are floating in the feeling and it is glorious… then you crash back into real-time. You realize this because you start to hear your thinking again. The irony is that you were actually truly present IN Reality. The awareness of time only rushed in when you began thinking again. Now imagine for a moment you met another human being in that space. That space of No Time, fully present, alive and connected, filled with feelings you cannot describe, and the person in front of you seems to be sharing that same space. Now imagine even further there is a chemistry between you that seems to explode in the same moment you both feel it inside yourselves. A natural effervescent feeling of joy and wonder! Indescribable happiness bubbling forth, unrestrained, and unrestricted by personal thinking. You have just experienced the love you carry inside yourself, that has been with you all along. Shared with another it explodes into being. You are living 100% in the Feeling of your own Thinking, being expressed in the Moment. Nothing more, nothing less.

What happens then when you fall out of that space? Expecting or wanting a different result than what is happening in the moment. That is the very definition of insanity, and in my experience has never worked out very well. Check in with your self and see if that’s TRUE.

Expectations are the fundamental reason why relationships fail in my humble opinion. This is something I am seeing more clearly, and have already begun to have many conversations that look deeply into the very nature of what it means to love, and why we still expect the other person to fulfill all our wants, wishes and dreams. Without expectation, we are open to the natural ebb and flow of life happening right now. Your state of mind in the moment has nothing to do with the other person and says nothing about your relationship. Once we see that more clearly, than all insecurities and judgemental thinking begin to fall away, and we are back in the feeling of being connected, where true love, joy, and happiness reside….inside our selves, the place of No Time called the present moment!

Once I started to have a love relationship with my self, that desire for fulfillment outside me started to change. I was no longer chasing the feeling I thought came from someone else. Yes, I love the feeling of being desired and wanted, I just was no longer expecting it to come from something outside me. Do I still want to be in a relationship? Of course, and I am ready for a life partner who sees me for who I truly am. Seeing past the human frailties and imperfections, to the vibrant and alive soul that is my true heart, and my true love. That’s worth waiting for. That’s my true heart’s desire.



Laurie Holmes
Less Stress More Success

Bio: Transformative Clarity Coach, passionate about directing people back to the Truth of who they really are., Author, Leader, Writer and Curious Life Learner