Navigating Monkey Mind With Loving Kindness and Presence

Learning how to navigate a monkey mind and mental chaos can feel overwhelming and incredibly distressing to parts of ourselves.

I’m in the process of learning how to dance with this and find alternatives to fear, distress, panic, resistance.

What if I hold this distress lightly, softly, with trust, love, and gently dance with it, with a soft smile.

“It’s okay dear one, it’s okay”.

I move my body back and forth in a gentle sway, breathe, and notice an inner smile moving down inside myself like a beam of light.

A deeper breath comes now into my belly.

I nod my head back and forth, gently rocking my head, body, and nervous system, and this frightened part of myself.

I am discovering how to swaddle this young one.

It’s okay little one, we’re okay”.


There is so much primal fear that arises at times from within; A terrified infant who does not know how to regulate her nervous system.

It’s okay, we’re okay…it’s okay to feel this, to notice this.”

I am aware of this.”

I am safe.”

It’s safe to feel and notice this.”

These are my mantras right now.

I nod my head back and forth again in a rhythmic motion to comfort this place, this part, this nervous system that is so raw and delicate.

I put my left hand on my heart and I feel my spirit come back deeper into my body and my embodied self light up, my “inner holy spark” “en-lighten” like a five pointed Star of David beneath my hand.

Deep breath, loving breath, rocking gently, nodding the head, with warmth and rhythm.

One gentle, loving moment and second at a time.

I am grace unfolding. I am learning one small step and moment at a time.

I am learning to dance with myself.



Sara Hana Sternberg~ I AM Love Unfolding
Less Stress More Success

I AM…reconnecting with writing, expression, and my heart for the purpose of personal and collective healing and transformation✨May this nourish and brighten💕