Our True Selves Can Never Be Broken

Joe Fletcher
Less Stress More Success
4 min readJan 2, 2021
Humpty Dumpty by Brandon Rodgers

I hear so many people describe themselves as being permanently broken or damaged.

It’s understandable that it can be something that can seem really true as many are given this impression by medical professionals. I heard a former psychiatric nurse of 30 years say in a talk that I went to that he had heard colleagues say to their patients that their diagnosis is just like having diabetes and that you will have to take medication for life. This isn’t the first time that I’ve heard of people being told similar things or that they would never recover. I had a similar thing happen to me when an M.E./Chronic Fatigue Specialist came to a support group I was in. He then gave a long explanation of what the latest thoughts were on the cause of M.E. and then said that the findings show that if you don’t recover within 5 years then you can never recover. He then asked how long I had had M.E. for and when I told him, he said in a really dismissive tone ‘You’ll never get better.’

For me this was really disheartening to hear, as although I knew that my chances were slim, it took away the amount of hope I did have. So basically my life was reduced to someone who just had to accept the fact that they would perhaps continue to improve, but would have to just plan my life as being restricted and unfulfilling unless some miracle cure was invented.

We are constantly told by professionals since Freud, and the media, how our personalities are formed as children, and then this is fixed. So of course we would believe that if we had a less than ideal upbringing then we are basically screwed. And the diagnosis of a mental illness just adds to that feeling of being broken and unrepairable after we have suffered one or more traumas.

But then I had the good fortune of reading a book by Mara Gleason Olsen that talked about how we create our realities through thought and then believe them to be totally true. which creates our conflicts and distress, which I found really profound. It was in the book that I saw the name Sydney Banks and the three principles mentioned, so I decided to check him out on YouTube. I was hooked as I saw how we really worked as human beings and we're really part of something whole that is everything in all creation.

There is this humongous Universe that is out there that goes on for billions of light-years and we are all part of this. The energy that everything is formed from continues to create planets, stars, universes, and galaxies and it is conscious. We all have this consciousness flowing through us all the time and it is part of who we are. It is infinite, can never die, has always been and always will be.

It is like a flowing stream and although rocks may be placed in the stream, it will still flow. Each negative belief, each trauma, each lie we are told that we are, and each thought that pops into our head that tells us that we are worthless or broken is like another rock placed in the stream. But no matter how many rocks are placed in the stream, a little trickle will still get through. As we start to break through our past and smash the rocks, more and more water will pass through until our river of consciousness can flow freely again.

The innate health that we all naturally have in us can never be destroyed or broken, no matter how many battle scars we pick up along the way and even in our darkest times or occasions we can experience that little ray of sunshine.

We have this wonderful gift within us and the knowledge of its existence was granted to Syd Banks when he was able to glance at the true reality of who we truly are. It may at times feel like we have no hope and that the darkness will last for the rest of our lives, and believe me I’ve been in that position. But every now and then we do glimpse that trueness that we really are all part of something bigger.

So if we can hold on to the hope that when we do allow our thinking to quieten down and we become a lot more present, there is hope for every human on this planet.

We are never truly broken or damaged as our soul is pure energy. Energy can never be damaged or broken and lasts for infinity. So no matter how many scratches may be placed on our windows there is a day when our true inner selves will awaken and everything will be wiped clean again.




Joe Fletcher
Less Stress More Success

I am part of the Pursuit of Truth group that are looking to spread our message of mental health recovery and transformation through the 3 principles