The Cure for Too Much Thinking

aka: What to do about a busy mind


Photo by Florian Wehde on Unsplash

If I drop my thinking for just one second, just one second, I find an empty space. And in that empty space lies potential.

The potential for something new, the potential for a new idea, the potential for inspiration or the potential for a drop of love to shine through.

And in that drop of love, I find a new feeling, a feeling of hope a feeling of renewal, a feeling of life being just the way that it is supposed to be. Because in that moment, I have dropped my judgment. My judgment that is the product of my thinking, judgment that cannot exist in the space of an empty mind.

How do I find this empty mind?

I find it in that moment of remembering that I am thinking. Of being “on to my self” of seeing what it was that I was doing — that I was thinking. Living in a reality that is being made up by me and for me. Sometimes beautiful, sometimes soulful, always an illusion. The illusion of thought.

Sydney Banks said that if we can see that we are thinking we can drop it, even if just for a second. That we are products of our habits and that our habits are made up of habit thinking.

That dropping a habit takes place just from knowing that it is there and seeing that it came…



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