There Are So Many Layers of Us

Drissia Schroeder-Hohenwarth
3 min readMay 1, 2024


Photo Pawel Czerwinski , Unsplash

There are so many layers of us, we are not always aware of.

  • The layer of what we can see in the mirror, feel and touch with our hands.
  • The layer of our behaviours, what we or others can describe, name, analyse, document, experience and remember.
  • The layer of what we think about ourselves and situations, thoughts, feelings, emotions, stories, dreams and longings behind our actions.
  • The layer of what we are unaware of that guides our thoughts, feelings and actions unconsciously behind the scenes: the personality traits, preferences, cultural conditioning, and biases. All our beliefs and mental habits. The learnings from our past experiences, education and even traumas.

And there is a layer that is way deeper than all that. It is us beyond the stories, memories, habits and concepts; a part of us still pure, innocent, untouched and untouchable, no matter what and how much we have experienced.

This place in us of light, resilience, strength, peace, kindness, presence, connection, clarity and wisdom that is not attached to our personal history and ideas of how things should or shouldn’t be.

It is a quiet place inside, that is free of opinions, that we can disconnect from but not loose, and where we can go anytime regardless of our circumstances.

It can guide us through the good and the difficult times; help us out of the confusion of the mind, the struggle and stress, the sometimes overwhelming complexity of things. Out of the experience of the moment.

A place inside us that doesn’t go anywhere, and waits for us to look in its direction and reconnect.

A place in us that is the essence of who we are and has already done so much for us whether we know it or not.

A place of consciousness and not knowing that opens all the doors. That has helped you in so many situations. I am sure. Every time you found a way to deal with a situation without overthinking.

It is the most powerful source of clarity and transformation that you will ever have. And it is already inside you.

I have learned to trust this place of wisdom in me more and more. I love to go there when I search for answers.

When I do something seemingly without a plan, but knowing that i will always find a way.

When I trust the “I don’t know” state and wait for guidance. Trust that there is a meaning and a possibility behind things that my head does not comprehend. And that I will see what I need to see soon enough.

I can get lost of course and forget. Everything becomes then very stressful. But it doesn’t matter. I know where to go when I remember. Peace and clarity come back then, and the direction of action shows itself again naturally.

I would love for you to learn that too. To see that for yourself.

Because you have this place of wisdom in you too, and when you know where to look and start to trust it, it changes everything.

With love,

Drissia Schroeder-Hohenwarth is a Psychologist and a Transformative Coach for Leaders, Teams, and Organisations with a fascination for the endless potential of the mind.



Drissia Schroeder-Hohenwarth

Transformative Coach for Leaders, Teams and Organisations with a fascination for the endless potential of the mind. Check on: