The Game of Life … in Summertime!

Isabelle Caratti
Less Stress More Success
1 min readAug 11, 2021


Clare Dimond wrote an enlightening book, both playful and profound: “GAME — Getting Real with the Play of Life”.

It’s summertime. Do you feel like playing? Clare inspired me with this new Game.

The goal of this game is to play. It’s a game, isn’t it? This game cannot be won though. It will entertain you for sure. Sometimes a reflection, a thought, a realisation is happening and this helps us see Love, Freedom, Security, Happiness, and Who We Really Are, in an entertaining way.


Number of Players: limitless like our dreams.

How to play: roll the die three times. You’ll get a number between 3 and 18. Click the corresponding Episode number below.

When you roll the die, you get rewarded if you get 3 times 6. In this case, you have access to another Episode. Choose below between Episode numbers 1, 2, 19, and 20.

Have fun and enjoy the summer.

Episode #1:

Episode #2:

Episode #3:

Episode #4:

Episode #5:

Episode #6:

Episode #7:

Episode #8:

Episode #9:

Episode #10:

Episode #11:

Episode #12:

Episode #13:

Episode #14:

Episode #15:

Episode #16:

Episode #17:

Episode #18:

Episode #19:

Episode #20:



Isabelle Caratti
Less Stress More Success

I felt like an uprooted tree after a series of blows of fate. But do we need roots when we are made to soar? I turn prisoners of their lives into playful actors