The Snake and the Eagle

Joe Fletcher
Less Stress More Success
2 min readDec 29, 2020
Movie Trailers

The snake slithers through the desert
It’s tongue flickering tasting the air
An eagle hovers hunting its prey
The snake senses something amiss

Its brain lights up, adrenaline pumping
The eagle’s too powerful, there’s no hope of escape
As panic takes hold the snake’s heart starts to race
The Eagle dives at hypersonic speed

The snake looks up, there’s no eagle in sight
Can just see clouds, serene and peaceful
Swore it heard a screech, fear became it’s jive
Confused it wonders ‘What’s created this fright?’

A voice replies, ‘I have given this gift’
To perceive your world, cause seismic shifts
Your thought’s the paintbrush for you to use
Create any wonder you desire

The outside world is just an illusion
A blank canvas, you’re the artist
Be like the painter Raphael
Conceive a holy Sacrament

The Eagle was never here at all
A mirage in your mind, a shadow puppet
You were so scared of what you perceived
Manifested the scene with your thought

When you realise this gift of such power
To bask in light, not the demon’s tower
The world is your playground God created
Go play in awareness with your fears absolved

The snake slithers on with new knowledge instilled
Need not fear the Eagle, created with thought
When in awareness, it can perceive all around
Detect any dangers, find a safe place to shield



Joe Fletcher
Less Stress More Success

I am part of the Pursuit of Truth group that are looking to spread our message of mental health recovery and transformation through the 3 principles