
Joe Fletcher
Less Stress More Success
2 min readDec 8, 2020

Thought can be the creator but also the destroyer
The gift for you to use or the Leviathan of despair
It’s only with thought can you block truth’s path

But don’t panic or worry you won’t face God’s wrath
For he is benevolent and does not judge sin
God is pure love and his truth will guide you

Sin is not truth so don’t be imprisoned by guilt
That’s what man created to keep you in chains
For he needs control that’s where his power resides

Chains can be broken with love and compassion
Free will can not be taken it can only be masked
The jailer has no power you are your own master

God is the guide that can lead you through the jungle
Through storms of thunder, hurricane and rain
If you can hear truth then your life can be a wonder

So trust in yourself and navigate the cavern
Just look deep inside where your guide resides
You can hear truth’s voice echo but do not be afraid

Just trust in your guide he has no hate or decree
He does not demand worship and just wants you to be free
All of your answers are here within truth

For it’s wisdom’s call so listen for its nectar
All that you desire is here on Earth for you
God granted you thought to use as the creator

Use this gift well and sculpt your Garden of Eden
For peace and tranquillity will not be torn asunder
For joy is your essence,

You are God too



Joe Fletcher
Less Stress More Success

I am part of the Pursuit of Truth group that are looking to spread our message of mental health recovery and transformation through the 3 principles