Thought — The Steering Wheel of Life


Sometimes I see so much thought around me that I get overwhelmed…and then I remember…



In every moment, no exceptions.

Each item that surrounds me when I look around the room — created by thought.

Each piece of every day, created by my thoughts.

Each person moving in accordance with their thoughts.

Some propelling us with such beauty and that beauty too a judgment from my thoughts.

Pain, sensation, sight, sound. None would exist without the power of thought.

Some scaring and stopping our actions, we call that getting in our own way, again, a function of our thoughts.

Created by me.

Not created by my world.

Not telling me about the world, only a mirror to my state-of-mind.

Inspiration emerges through thought. It is the only tool that we have and yet I know that it comes from a deeper place, from a place before thought, and then I experience it through thought.

Frustration, impatience, wanting, all thought created.



Deborah Baron, I Coach Emerging Leaders
Less Stress More Success

I coach and mentor young professionals and emerging leaders to find their confidence and competence so they can step into their full potential.