What Are the 3 Principles?

The understanding that is changing everyday lives every day


In the summer of 2017, my life changed in a way I could have never imagined.

I came across an understanding that would bring me a whole new lens through which to see and understand how life is experienced, created, and lived.

This understanding is changing the lives of people all over the world as more people discover this understanding every day. The community is still small but growing by thousands every year and it can change your life too.

In the silence of our minds lies creative incubation, bringing the wisdom and the joy we all seek. — Sydney Banks, The Missing Link

A small disclaimer

When I speak to groups about this understanding I always start by filling them in on my experience with “newbies”. “I always get one of four reactions when I explain these principles”, I tell them. So don’t be surprised if you fall into one of these categories. And if you fall into the last, all I ask is that you try to keep an open mind…

4 Reactions:

  • “Wow, I never thought about life like this before. I am blown away. “
  • “ I don’t quite understand what you are talking about but I am curious so keep…



Deborah Baron, I Coach Emerging Leaders
Less Stress More Success

I coach and mentor young professionals and emerging leaders to find their confidence and competence so they can step into their full potential.