What To Do About a Bad Mood


Photo by meredith hunter on Unsplash

I’ve been a little cranky lately. You too?

It got me thinking about what I have come to know about a bad mood and how much my life has changed since I started seeing the nature of moods, where they come from, and what they really are, as opposed to what I used to think they were.

Funny thing is that I had my first insight about moods, otherwise known as “the ups and downs of life,” when I was in college. I didn’t know a thing about the Principles then but I guess a part of me has always been an observer of life and in observing that I was often unhappy and then just as often, perfectly content and often joyful, I noticed something really profound.

I noticed that our moods come in waves. That there is a resonance. And that if I didn’t like my mood, if I didn’t like the lens through which I was seeing the world, all I had to do was…..wait for it….all I had to do was…. Wait!

That the lows always had an end that turned into something better and then better than that and then better than that, until the wave turned direction again and instead of better getting better, better would turn in the other direction and again begin to drop. Just like so many other things in nature — the seasons, the temperature, the rotation of the earth and the moon. Electricity, the stock market, and the cycle of life itself.



Deborah Baron, I Coach Emerging Leaders
Less Stress More Success

I coach and mentor young professionals and emerging leaders to find their confidence and competence so they can step into their full potential.