When Everyday Feels Like a Hurricane

The most important thing to know is that you are always okay

Jake Hilden
Less Stress More Success


Photo by NASA on Unsplash

I try to smile, try to fight
Just say I’m okay
But every day feels like a hurricane

- Fit For a King

I went out for a run earlier on this beautiful hot summer day.

I had my headphones in listening to my Nike Run Club coach for a half-marathon I am training for. I was also listening to music in the background. One of my favorite songs came on that I listened to a lot in 2020 — it is called When Everything Feels Like Nothing by Fit For a King.

It’s one of those songs that I feel when I listen to it. Have you had that?

One trait I have of being a highly sensitive guy is to feel deeply. I used to dislike it. Now I see how beautiful it is because it makes me feel alive. To me, feeling and experiencing everything in life equates to aliveness.

This song sparked some thoughts about how common it is to feel like every day being like a hurricane.

And it is the nature of being human. You are not alone.

Pretending to Be Okay

The most common problem we have in society is pretending to be someone we are not.

