Whispers of Wisdom From Our True Self

Joe Fletcher
Less Stress More Success
7 min readSep 14, 2021
Yolanda James

(written by Joe Fletcher with assistance and editing from Jim Beck)

As will be seen by my insights demonstrated in this writing there is a voice within us, this is the voice of our true self. It is our personal guide and is there to show us who we truly are. It is a guide that reveals the 3 Principles of how we function as human beings. The way we experience this inner voice is through our feelings. For most of us, our connection to our inner voice has been muffled by the noise of personal thoughts. Most of us have been overwhelmed and confused by this and have lost awareness of our inner voice.

Thinking that feelings are created by outside circumstances is a misunderstanding. By blaming the outside world for our moods, we give away our power to create our feelings. Strengthening our connection with our inner voice is done through insights and those who are receiving insights have made various transformational changes to their lives and wellbeing.

My experience is that a quiet mind free of negative thinking brings me back to the present moment.

This is my interpretation via insight of discovering the 3 Principles of Divine Mind, Divine Consciousness, and Divine Thought, as uncovered by Sydney Banks.

He described life as being a game and to me, life does feel like being in a game between the personal mind, (the trickster ego), and the true self. However, before discovering the teachings of Mr. Banks, I didn’t realise that we were stuck in this metaphorical game, feeling that we are being completely controlled by the personal mind. As I learned about the 3 Principles, I was reawakened to this rulebook. In reality, the true self is not even in the game and is just observing like a parent watching their child playing. It is total presence. The personal ego-mind is playing the game with itself of deceiving and hurting itself and then ironically wanting the suffering that it is causing to stop. It’s a little like continuously punching yourself in the eye and wanting your eye to stop hurting.

When we are in a state of low consciousness our moods go down and it appears as if we have no free will as we react to the thoughts that come into our mind. It is like we are in a dream of personal thinking. Like any dream we have when we are asleep, we can experience the dream and feel its every action and moment. As we grow more and more into our true self by hearing truth our consciousness rises through insights, and it feels as if we regain our free will to awaken from the thought dream. We then have the choice to follow our inner self or to resist this inner self and thus create more disharmony and suffering.

Personally, I have experienced many insights in my life that have made a major impact. They have demonstrated the power of Thought and the reality it creates.

I was once walking along a high street shopping lane when I was a teenager. Suddenly I had a funny feeling and saw a little boy of about 3 years old running away from his mother. His mother was calling him, but he ignored her. A few meters in front of him was a very busy road and he was running straight for it. Without even thinking I stuck my arm out in front of him and he stopped, allowing his mother to catch up with him. This all happened within a few seconds and there was no time for me to think or plan intellectually. To me, this demonstrates that we all have an inbuilt intuition, and we are being guided by the greater intelligence of the Universe beyond our personal mind to not only help ourselves but humanity in general.

More recently after discovering the 3 Principles I was going through a bout of high Anxiety in the middle of the night. Suddenly it sounded like a low calm voice came out from deep inside of me and then it felt like pure love energy was pouring into my body as my personal mind went completely still. It was the most beautiful feeling that I have ever experienced, and I estimate that it lasted for around 5 or 6 seconds before my personal thoughts started up again. These thoughts were a denial of the joy I was experiencing and the ego’s attempt to regain control.

My mind went into overdrive and thoughts began flying into my mind at a rate I couldn’t handle. It felt like someone had rammed their foot on the gas pedal with the car in neutral or that I had been plugged into a socket and was being pumped with 1000s of volts of electricity. I couldn’t sit still for more than a few seconds, read more than a few lines of a book, or watch TV. without my concentration just shooting off. At times I would experience periods of tranquillity as it felt as if my consciousness was at one with the Universe and in my mind, it seemed that a part of me was flying in the greater cosmos. In these quiet periods, I would experience insights that were calming my personal mind. However, I would again become lost in my personal thinking, becoming detached from the world around me. My family was worried and said that they had lost their Joseph. I was pacing about, whispering to myself and it felt like I was no longer in my body. One day I got it into my head that I had been enlightened, was the new Sydney Banks, and that I would be going around talking about changing the world. But I felt terrible and couldn’t understand why my mind was spinning so fast. I would try exercising and Tai Chi, and this would temporarily slow my mind before it sped up again.

I remember thinking

‘If this is enlightened, why do I feel so terrible?’

I kept saying to myself,

‘I hate this, and I want to go back to the way things were, as I was doing great just listening to and reading Syd’s work and enjoying the feelings.’

My mind was spinning faster and faster as I thought this is what my life was going to be like from now on and it was hell. Then out of nowhere, I received an insight as my mind went quiet,

‘No, this is not an enlightenment experience; an enlightenment experience is beautiful; this is your thinking doing this’.

In a split second, it was like the foot was taken off the gas pedal and my mind instantly slowed down. But I still had a feeling in my brain that was like pain but without the hurting part. It was at that moment that a memory of watching a video by a well-known and respected Psychiatrist and 3Ps educator, who described negative feelings and pain as being like an alarm system for our mental stress, popped into my head. Without even trying I automatically noticed that feeling in my brain and it disappeared. This experience repeated about 4 or 5 times, and just upon my awareness of it, the feeling would dissipate on its own. It hasn’t happened since.

Another major insight for me was when I was attending a course with a well-known 3 Principles educator. When it was my time to ask a question, my mind was racing and filled with insecure thoughts. I was disappointed with the reaction I perceived from him and his facial expressions as I felt he wasn’t listening properly, aloof, and a bit dismissive of what I was saying. I also felt he had rushed me asking the second question as if I was taking up another’s time, and when I mentioned that I tried to find the origins of the words God and Christ, I was imagining him thinking ‘why are you telling me this if it’s not a question?’, I was even thinking of emailing him about it as it played on my mind.

Later, having calmed down, I decided to watch the video of the webinar. To my surprise, his reaction appeared the complete opposite. He seemed very `attentive, listening quietly, and interested in what I had to say. He even said that although he was aware that they have a lot of people wanting to ask questions and he wanted to give everyone an opportunity, he knew I had another question and allowed me to ask it.

Then it hit me suddenly, the way someone appears to me in their reactions and response is a complete projection of my own mood and thinking. How many of the conflicts we create and the hurt we receive from others is actually caused by our thoughts painting a negative perception of the situation? The way we interpret the behaviour of others could be the complete opposite of their intentions.

It was a demonstration of how we create reality with our own use of the power of Thought.

“Your thoughts are the artist’s brush. They create a personal picture of the reality you live in”. (Syd Banks, The Missing Link)

This event clearly demonstrates how not only does each person live in their own separate reality, but that our own reality is changing from moment to moment. Most people in the world don’t realise this and believe that their reality is the only true one.

The illusion of thought is so powerful at times and for me, I find it best to never believe anything they create as being the definable truth. The only thing that can be known and trusted is the silence before thought when we are present to the now. The positive feelings that reside in the present moment in the quietness of the mind are who we truly are, and this is where all happiness and contentment lie.

The silence is always there in the present moment, and it can never be damaged or harmed, just temporarily forgotten about. It is the soil within and when positive feelings born from truth are planted, beautiful flowers will grow.



Joe Fletcher
Less Stress More Success

I am part of the Pursuit of Truth group that are looking to spread our message of mental health recovery and transformation through the 3 principles