Why Overwhelm is Never a Problem
My mind isn’t focused and my body is tense. I have a sensation that tells me there is so much more to do, that I might not be doing the most important thing first, and that I don’t have the clarity I would like to get it all done.
I don’t like this feeling, and yet I know, underneath and before it, it isn’t a problem.
I have trouble concentrating to write this, to share this feeling and this understanding with you. To let myself be present. The brain keeps looking for something new to do, something new to swish around and wonder about or analyze.
I know I’m not at my best and I also know that it isn’t a problem.
Things from my to-do list keep popping into my head. Begging me to get back to them. And yet I know I can remain present, even if only for a moment.
I can find the quiet in my mind, the quiet that brings words forth from the place before the form. Not worrying that I need to figure it out or that it is my job to know. Simply allowing and they emerge.
And the simple act of allowing, of reaching into the space of the formless, before the form. It allows for the calm, allows me to touch the calm, to know that it is there all of the time.
And overwhelm is never a problem.