Winging it …..

Are you winging it or are you gliding?

Chana Studley
Less Stress More Success
2 min readSep 17, 2021


A few days ago I was having a beautiful conversation with a client about trusting how the Intelligence of the Universe always takes care of us. We had been talking about anxiety and health problems and how when we let go and trust, things are often better than we could have imagined.

I gave the example of speaking publicly and how I have sometimes not had any idea of what I’m going to say and yet it just comes. As I was speaking she nodded saying “yeah, winging it.” For a second or two I felt like I was gliding.

Sat at my desk, looking at her on Zoom, I could feel my arms outstretched and that the air was holding me up. It was amazing!

I told her what I was feeling and we both saw that there is another way to understand ‘winging it’. What if instead of meaning hoping it works out through gritted teeth, it means that you are gliding? I felt like I was being held up, supported with no possible way I was going to fall.

I had this momentary experience once before in a yoga class many years ago. I was doing one of those poses where you have your arms outstretched for way too long and they start to wobble and burn and you just want to crumple to the floor. And then I suddenly felt supported by the air. But not just held up mechanically like scaffolding but supported with loving kindness by a soft cushion of air.

Later that night I was leading my book club, we are reading Second Chance by Sydney Banks and one of my lovely members referred to scripture that says

They will soar on wings of eagles.

I smiled deep inside, ‘on wings of eagles’ is the story of rescue, support, and kindness from the Almighty and that's exactly what it felt like.
This morning I open my Facebook page and I see a post by my friend Omar with a quote from the Persian poet, Hafiz Shirazi

I once asked a bird, “how is it that you can fly in this gravity of darkness?”
The bird responded. “Love lifts me…”

That's it, love.
Being awake to this understanding is a beautiful gift of being able to feel the loving-kindness that is always there.

So, are you winging it or are you gliding?



Chana Studley
Less Stress More Success

Author, coach, and international speaker Chana Studley recovered from PTSD and severe injuries and went on to earn an Academy Award! “Her books are inspiring!”