Wishes for You in the New Year

and the path to experiencing 2023 as your best year yet


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

To all of my clients, current past, and future. These are the things that I hope you can see, really SEE now and in the new year:

I wish for you to see the perfection of everything that you are today

I wish for you to see more about the made-up nature of thought

For you to know that everything is ok, always has been, always will be

To see, to really see the inside-out nature of our experience

To know that without thought, we would be unable to experience life

To know that thought is the creator of all experience, the good and the seemingly bad

To know on a deeper level that we can never really know in the moment

To see that judgment is just that

To see that our experiences are all made up

Photo by Qingbao Meng on Unsplash

To understand the awesome nature of opinion



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