What the Mountain Said

Mykola Bilokonsky
Lesson of the Tortoise
2 min readAug 15, 2014


“I was here before your ancestral line made the leap from grunts to words, and I will be here when your children’s children are a distant memory recorded in the history of a species no longer recognizably human. I will not move, and I will not be moved. To commune with me is to meet me on my terms, for I am ancient and brook no compromise.

From me you must learn respect: not politeness, that social utensil of the human tribe, for I have no opinion about you at all. Not fearful regard — save that aspect for your gods, who learned from me when they were young.

Respect, true respect, is unmitigated acceptance of my truth. You don’t have to like it, you don’t have to agree with it. But I will not be moved, and my truth will not be changed. Your choice is to accept that, and begin a communion with me, or reject it, and part my company.

The applicability of this lesson to the other spheres of your reality is, of course, up to you.

With me, you will leave fitting sacrifice. I do not demand your devotion, your health, your first-born — leave these offerings to the gods and demons you choose to worship. I don’t care about your worship, I require only your respect. I demand as sacrifice your fear, your insecurity and your anxiety. You will bring these to me, and you will learn their True Name.

And you will leave them with me, and in their place you will leave with my blessings: patience, and humility, and the ability to take another step.”

