How my journey of life brought me to my purpose

My 37 year-long process of self-discovery which saw me fail and succeed both in business and in life. Through my experience, I learnt and discovered the true value, purpose and meaning for my life.

Justin Hartman
Lessons for Boys
3 min readMay 18, 2017


In 2003 I started what was my first company. I made mistakes with that one, a lot of them. These would cost me extreme debt but I continued venturing into the unknown where people feared to go. It’s almost 14 years later and I’ve exited four of my own businesses that are worth remembering. I’ve helped a few established ones either beef up their game or help start their own version of a digital play.

It’s been a good, no scrap that, GREAT career and I’ve helped countless and touched peoples lives in a way only I could. Yet 14 years later and many months away from the industry I am no happier than I was when I started my career.

I’ve wondered about “the why” in my life for far too long and in far too much detail so to summarise in one word what has taken a long time to figure out,my why boils down to… Purpose.

I make great products, I have a passion for doing it but that in itself is not enough for me. I’m an exceptional leader and a great mentor. I adore helping people grow into their purpose long before they even realise it. Building great products and helping people grow is rewarding but not purpose enough.

This makes me unhappy. Depressingly unhappy in fact.

The last two years and especially the last six months have been a chaotic journey in discovering me. For most of my life I have believed that one day I would change the world, but how could I if I don’t even know myself?

I realise that I may sound grandiose or arrogant but I assure you I am neither. In fact, I’ve never been more humble in where I’m going with this. What I’ve had to learn is not, by any means, a journey of self but rather a journey to love myself.

No career, no person I help, no matter how good I am, was or ever will be enough. The reason? I don’t love myself nor believe I am enough.

Loving myself is the most important yet painful experience I have ever undertaken. My myopic view of the world is being eradicated and taken away from me. What I am left with in the aftermath is a man who is no longer trying to change the world but rather himself.

In learning to love myself I achieve a critical goal by discovering what I have lost, my purpose for life. Enduring what has been utter hell brought me to a place of gratitude for two special boys whom I get to call my sons.

My boys; Luke (13) and Ben (9).

Their very being will surpass everything I have and will ever do. If I can change and love myself for who I am, then I will finally change the(ir) world, forever.

Let my life’s purpose be measured through the greatness of my children and the role that I play in their life. This is Purpose. This is Passion. This is my Life.



Lessons for Boys
Lessons for Boys

Published in Lessons for Boys

Living life doesn’t come with a manual and we grow from lessons and experiences over the course of our lives. Inspired by my altruistic need to help educate my two sons on living life, this is my experience. For them. For me.

Justin Hartman
Justin Hartman

Written by Justin Hartman

Digital guy trying to change the world one day at a time.