10 Disturbing Practices That Were Considered Normal in Ancient Greece

From working out naked and selling sweat to having pedophilic relationships.

Lessons from History
8 min readDec 3, 2021


The Ancient Greeks had an unparalleled influence on civilization as we know it; they made significant advancements in diplomacy and warfare, which allowed them to develop the kind of technology and culture that led to unimaginable progress at that time. However, despite their essential contributions to the world, their culture and traditions included some practices and beliefs that would be inconceivable by members of most modern societies.

From their bizarre festivals and rituals to their controversial sexual customs and horrifying torture devices, there are many mind-blowing facts about the Ancient Greeks that are not as well known as the parts of their society that have been integrated into modern societies today.

1. Severe Punishments for Infidelity

Photo Credits: Ancient World Magazine

According to Ancient Greeks, adultery was significantly worse than rape; they believed that rape was a typical form of violent behavior, one that was a fact of life. For them, it did not refer to violence against the consent of an individual, but against that individual’s protector whose ‘property’ had been damaged and tainted. Therefore, the charge of…



Lessons from History

I am a History Educator and a Lifelong Learner with a Masters in Global History.