11 Weirdest Royal Family Rules

From strange eating restrictions to odd dressing traditions.

Lessons from History



Today we commoners choose to follow or turn a blind eye to the family traditions passed on to us, but the latter is not an option for Royals. They have to adhere to some weird rules many of which are rooted in history.

From specific eating habits to dressing, some dark customs have been practiced for ages. Let’s see the list of such peculiarities.

1. The Royal Family is not allowed to play Monopoly

To the English monarchy, the entire concept of monopoly does not sit well, and interestingly, it was after Victorian times that Monopoly was forbidden. Digesting such a rule is quite hard, and imagining it getting enforced sounds utterly weird.

Prince Andrew, the son of Queen Elizabeth II, was presented with a Monopoly game at some public event, and he refused to play as the Royals were not allowed. Andrew confessed that the game gets too vicious. Perhaps competing over the property and money hits too close to home!

2. Garlic has no place in Buckingham Palace

Owing to the Queen’s dislike for garlic, the veggie is not allowed in Buckingham Palace.



Lessons from History

History Buff, Personal Growth Blogger & Designer. For inquiries: info@youdecode.com