13 Reasons Why the Prison of Alcatraz Was the Most Legendary Prisons Of All Times

The greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places — Roald Dahl

Bhavnaa Narula
Lessons from History


Photo by Damir Spanic on Unsplash

If you thought only the prison of Azkaban made its name in history then you're absolutely wrong. Come out of the fictional world and I will show you a prison in real-time that was one of its kind and second most popular destination in San Francisco.

Before we go touring around the infamous prison of Alcatraz, let us know certain facts about the place in question. Alcatraz prison is situated on the Alcatraz island. This island is located in San Francisco Bay about 1.25 miles offshore San Francisco, United States.

If you search for the most tourist destinations in San Francisco, three names will make it to the top of the list—

  1. The Golden Gate Park,
  2. The Golden Gate Bridge, and
  3. The Prison of Alcatraz.

Before being a $60 tour for the whole family, Alcatraz was a fully functioning military prison home to the most cold-blooded MEN of the eighteenth century. Yes, it got it right. It was an all-male prison.

Let’s peep into what it was like to be an inmate in one of the most notorious prisons in the world.



Bhavnaa Narula
Lessons from History

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