17 Weird Facts about Nikola Tesla, the Man Who Invented the 20th Century

And inspired Elon Musk and Larry Page

Maria Milojković, MA
Lessons from History


Nikola Tesla circa 1890
Nikola Tesla circa 1890 | Image from Wikipedia, altered by the author

If it weren’t for Tesla Motors, the world still wouldn’t know about the man who gave us electricity (AC).

He also predicted inventions a whole century into the future. According to BigThink,

“Tesla is (…) responsible for a variety of ahead-of-their-time inventions that have stoked the public’s fancy. We are talking about wireless technology, including wireless transmission of electricity, early cellphones, self-driving, and flying vehicles, as well as thought machines and death rays.”

Nikola Tesla is the author of more than 700 patents and innovations. Here are some of them:

  • the Tesla coil — a transformer which produces high-voltage AC electricity,
  • the first hydro-electric power plant at Niagara Falls,
  • a fluorescent light bulb,
  • a magnifying transmitter with which he could light bulbs half a mile away,
  • a remote control,
  • the first X-ray image (but the work ended up in fire),
  • the radio (papers lost in a fire),
  • the Tesla turbine, his favorite invention with 98% efficiency— intended for…



Maria Milojković, MA
Lessons from History

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