3 Important Ancient Sites Demolished Purely for Selfish Reasons

#1 The statue of Buddha in Afghanistan

Fareeha Arshad
Lessons from History


The taller Buddha of Bamiyan before (left) and after destruction (right) | Image source: Wikimedia Commons

The saddest part about any historical aspect is its erasion — whether advertently or inadvertently. Imagine going through all that adversities to build something that would remind people about them, only to be destroyed by the hands of the same people. Let’s look at some historical sites lost to the tide of time and people.

1. The statue of Buddha in Afghanistan

The Buddhas of Bamiyan were built around 770 A.D. in the north of Kabul. The two monumental statues once held the carving of Gautama Buddha, representing the Gandhara art. These statues were placed in the middle of innumerable caves embellished with paintings and artworks inspired by Indian culture and the Byzantine Empire.

Unfortunately, the Taliban destroyed these statues in 2001 because they considered these structures as ‘idols’. Various governments, including the United Nations, approached the Taliban to leave these statues because of these structures’ sentiments for a large group of people. However, they didn’t pay any heed to any requests and blew up the sculptures into ruins.

2. The Mayan Pyramid

